Cool Scoops – Retro Ice Cream Parlor in Wildwood

Cool Scoops – Retro Ice Cream Parlor in Wildwood

We are really fortunate that we have a beach house down in Wildwood New Jersey. We travel down to the Jersey Shore several times every year. On some of these trips we take along the family and have a week long family vacation. It’s great 

Wyland Whaling Wall – Humpbacks off the Jersey Coast

Wyland Whaling Wall – Humpbacks off the Jersey Coast

Back in June we took a vacation down to the south Jersey Shore. If I could live any where on earth…that is where I would be. I’ve been all over the world and have seen hundreds of beautiful places along the way…but the south Jersey 

2016 Blizzard in Pennsylvania – Jonas

2016 Blizzard in Pennsylvania – Jonas

On Friday, January 22nd, the blizzard of 2016 finally arrived (the outer bands of the storm) around 3 PM here in Pennsylvania. From that time on…the snow got heavier and heavier. Originally they were predicting 12″ to 16″ of snow for my area here in 

Mini Golf: Hole-in-One and Our Family Tradition

Mini Golf: Hole-in-One and Our Family Tradition

How many of you get together with your family on a regular basis and go out and play miniature golf? My family loves mini golf and we get together several times a year to go out and play. Back in late Fall we all got 

Visiting the National Aquarium in Baltimore

Visiting the National Aquarium in Baltimore

I love to travel and I’m pretty fortunate that my other job affords me the ability to travel up and down the east coast. On top of that…I’m passionate about visiting various zoos and aquariums. A few months ago my family had the opportunity to 

Family Fun at the Arcade

Family Fun at the Arcade

Wow…my first “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post for 2016. Last year just flew by and here we are…in a brand new year! Welcome 2016. One of the things I love about “Almost” Wordless Wednesday is that its a chance for all of you to get to 

The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

How many of you have ever visited The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore? If you’ve never been there…let me tell you, it’s a beautiful zoo! The zoo has just about every animal species that you would ever want to see. They have lions, tigers, bears, zebra, 

Celebrating Baby’s First Christmas

Celebrating Baby’s First Christmas

If you’ve been following this blog for the past few months, you will already know that I became a grandmother again back in September 2015. My second grandchild is a little boy that we call Prince Jax and he’s a pure blessing in our lives.