Over the Top Birthday Celebrations

Good morning everyone! TGIF! Yay….Friday is finally here and tomorrow we begin the weekend.  First…I would like to wish my hubby Happy Birthday! He will be turning 53 years old tomorrow. Crikey, just saying that makes me feel old but thankfully, I am younger than 

Are You an Early Riser or Do You Sleep In?

Good Morning all! Welcome to Thursday! I was thinking this morning, especially as my alarm was buzzing at 0 dark-thirty, about how I am so not an early morning person normally. I have had jobs in my life where I had to be at work 

Do You Have Any Travel Fears

Good morning everyone! Happy hump day Wednesday! We are halfway to the weekend and frankly, it can’t get here soon enough for me. This week has been super crazy for me and I am looking forward to a little “down time” this weekend. Today’s Question: 

Young Girls Dressing Provocatively

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday!!! We hope you all have been enjoying our holiday gift guide so far! Lot’s of great things coming your way and our holiday gift guide runs through December 15th. There is a tab at the top of our home page 

Enjoying Fall Gardening

Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? Ours was super busy! Besides working…we had to do a lot of cleanup from the 3 days of rain we had last week. In a matter of 3 days we had over 9″ of rain and flooding! OH 

Terrible Flooding in Pennsylvania

Good morning everyone! TGIF! Oh my gosh…Chris and I have been so busy all week long…the work never seems to stop! I am so backed up on everything I needed to get done this week and I believe I will have to do a lot 

Do You Have a Snake Phobia

Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday morning to you all! It’s time to Rise & Shine and make it a fabulous day! A few days ago I went out side to get the mail. I went out my front door and down my short sidewalk to 

Children in Sport’s Bars

Good morning everyone! Happy Hump Day Wednesday!!! Yay, we are all halfway to another weekend. Unfortunately for me…I have to work this weekend doing so local reviews again. Sigh, I miss having my weekends completely off and all to myself. Today’s Topic: Do you think