Happy Halloween!

Good morning everyone! Happy Halloween! Our morning started at 5am today. We took the Princess out for breakfast and then dropped her off at Preschool. Started work at 6:30am and already my bootay is dragging! Today’s Topic: Since today is Halloween (Happy Halloween) we would 

Popular Halloween Costumes for 2013

Good morning everyone! Happy Halloween Eve! Are you ready for Halloween? We are! I went to the Hershey’s Chocolate Factory and stocked up on candy about 2 weeks ago. Our decorations are up and we are ready for the little Trick or Treaters to come 

One Year Anniversary SuperStorm Sandy

Good morning everyone! It’s Tuesday October 29th…wow, we are almost to November! The weather around here has been finicky to say the least. On Sunday it was bitterly cold and yesterday we had a high temp of 58 degrees. I am sooooo not ready for 

Discussion on Cheating Spouses

Good morning everyone! TGIF! Yay…the weekend is almost here! I am going to “lay low” for the weekend…at least that is the plan. I am hoping to get caught up on sleep, rest, relax and hopefully kick this infection to the curb. Got any plans? 

Volunteer Your Time to Worthy Causes

Good morning everyone! We are inching closer to the weekend. Thanks everyone who sent me Get Well Wishes yesterday. I read them all and they are appreciated. I just got back from a 6am doctor’s appointment this morning and we are going to change antibiotics 

Your Favorite Holiday Desserts

Good morning everyone! Happy Hump Day Wednesday!!! I am looking forward to the weekend getting here as I want some peace & quiet. I am going to take off work on Saturday and just laze around the house, maybe even do some scrapbooking if I 

Flu’s and Colds During the Winter Season

Good morning everyone! It’s Tuesday, October 22nd already! OMG…where has this year gone? Is everyone getting ready for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday? It’s a big family deal here so we have begun our planning. Today’s Topic: How many of you consider yourself to be healthy? 

Scary Amusement Park Rides

Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? Ours was busy as always and I didn’t get everything done that I needed to get done! Ugh! We had some unannounced out-of-town guests show up and it was hubby’s Birthday weekend. To say we were busy all