Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day! Well, we are still snowed in here and another 2 to 5″ of snow is coming in here early tomorrow morning. All of this snow is really starting to depress me! It has totally ruined our romantic travel plans 

Justin Bieber and Deportation

Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! Well, we broke another temperature record here in PA. and had 6 degrees as our overnight low temperature. I hope some 30’s come our way soon as that will seem like a heat wave at this point. Today’s Topic: Justin 

Favorite Ways to Enjoy a Cup of Hot Cocoa

Good morning everyone! Brrrr! We got clobbered with more snow over the weekend and baby…its cold outside this morning! I am dreading going out later in this frigid weather and having high temps of 29 degrees doesn’t appeal to me at all. Nope, not at 

East Coast Ice and Snow Storm

Good morning everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent the weekend doing a lot of work online and taking care of a sick husband. Today’s post will be short, simple and sweet since we got hit again with another snow & ice storm 

Favorite Holiday Movies and Christmas TV Specials

Good morning everyone! The weekend is almost here! We have terrible weather here today with a lot of rain…I guess that is better than snow & ice. Will be a super busy weekend as I am sick and I have to go out and do 

Women and Car Maintenance

Good morning everyone! We are getting closer to the weekend! Our weather is being totally wacky! Last week an ice & freezing rain storm and today…rainy but temps near 60…what? Yeah! Ugh!!! Old man winter needs to make up his mind on what season of 

Let’s Talk Turkey – Your Thanksgiving Day Turkey!

Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? Did you go out and do anything fun or exciting? Unfortunately I had to get back to work this weekend. It was a busy one for us but I did manage to get my house cleaning done & 

Your Go-To Quick Weeknight Dinner Options

Good morning everyone! TGIF! The weekend is almost here and sadly, I have to work. I took off last weekend due to all of us being sick but this weekend, I have to go out and work regardless of still feeling crappy. In addition to