Vent About Doctor’s Offices

Vent About Doctor’s Offices

I first want to admit that I am an ex-medical professional. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s I worked in a local hospital for several years in the OR. Over the past 20+ years I have seen medicine change and evolve into areas that 

The Doughnut Shop

The Doughnut Shop

Good morning everyone! Happy belated Father’s Day to all of the great dads out there! We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I know I did! Today’s Topic: My hubby and I are NOT huge doughnut eaters due to their caloric content but we do enjoy 

What Would You Like to See More of?

What Would You Like to See More of?

Good morning everyone! We had a gorgeous sunrise here in PA this morning and hubbs & I enjoyed watching the sun come up with our favorite coffee out on the deck. I love those quiet and special times with my man. Today’s Topic: Today we 

Reader Spotlight – Deanna Watson

We love our blog readers and we love hearing from all of you whether it is via blog comments, on Facebook, Twitter or via email. Chris and I know that without faithful and loyal readers, our blog would be nothing so we really do appreciate 

Celebrating Milestone Anniversaries

Today is a special day here for me and my hubby. Today marks our 20th wedding anniversary! It is hard to believe that so many years have passed so quickly. It really does not seem like it has been that long. Amazing! This week has 

The Walking Dead – Monday Chat!

Good morning! OMG…I am completely and utterly exhausted! On top of that, sick! Boo! We had a busy weekend, too busy for my liking. On Saturday I had to go out to review a local breakfast cafe. Then at lunch time Jenelle and I hosted 

We Love the Girl Scout Cookies

Good morning! TGIF!!! What a frigid start to my day here in PA! OMG, it is 3 degrees out there! Blah, this is not how I want to start off the month of March at all. Last weekend we had temps in the 50’s and 

Monday February 24th

Monday February 24th

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. Our weekend was very busy and today, I am just totally exhausted! My Mother-in-law finally came home from the hospital late on Friday. She is in her late 80’s and is having some medical