Luxurious Mixaroma Organic Aromatherapy Body Oils

Luxurious Mixaroma Organic Aromatherapy Body Oils

Today, I would like to introduce you to the company Mixaroma, a proud manufacturer of organic soap, essential and massage oils, plus they offer gift sets & baskets for those perfect spa moments. Mixaroma Cacao organic body oils are perfect for individuals who wish to 

Natura & Benessere Organic Natural Beauty Products

Natura & Benessere Organic Natural Beauty Products

Organic, natural bath and body care items feel just so nice it make you wonder why anything else exists. Several months ago I reviewed some delicious products from a company that brings you organic Olive Oil and Aloe Vera enriched products called Natura & Benessere 

Agape and Zoe Naturals Perfume

I am so excited to tell you about this product I was able to review for you today. In my quest to rid the house of chemical products, I thought about perfumes. I have not been able to wear them in quite a while due 

Laline Dead Sea Salt Body Scrub

You all know by now how much I love creams and lotions, but here is another of my loves, Body Scrubs! I became hooked several years ago when selling for a national company and they had a wonderful line of body scrubs. I had never 

Sigma Beauty Cleansing and Polishing Tool

Sigma Beauty Cleansing and Polishing Tool

Taking care of your skin is very important. It is the largest organ on your body so treating it well and taking care of it is crucial for your overall health. Plus it just feels great when my skin is smooth and soft. I have 

Need Help Restoring Your Skin? iDerma May Have Your Answer

When I was a teen having a tan was so important. And having a deep tan was even better. I would lay in the sun for hours, baking with nothing on but some baby oil. Remember those days? Ya! Not so good. Today, I spend 

Hydroxatone Anti-Wrinkle Skincare

Hydroxatone Anti-Wrinkle Skincare

You all know by now that I love makeup, creams, lotions and all kinds of yummy things like that. Skincare and anti wrinkle products have been important to me since I was 21 and was getting deep crows feet, mainly from the sun and dried 

Klix Makeup Brushes With Replaceable Heads

I am a cosmetics and makeup girl as you probably have already figured out. I love trying different makeup, cosmetics and lotions. One thing that I have learned through the years is that everyone should have at least one set of quality makeup brushes. One