Fashion Jewelry from Accent of Beauty

Today I would like to introduce you to the wonderful company called Accent of  Beauty who sells a wide variety of handbags, necklaces, earrings, rings, watches, scarves, earlaces, body charms and bracelets. If you love jewelry and accessories you will love shopping at Accent of Beauty! My Review: … [Read more...]

Organizing Handbags by Miche

Most women I know are in love with purses and handbags of all different types and with the economy the way it is, more and more people are turning to direct sales for their work from home opportunities. There is definitely money to be made from marketing purses from your home via parties or … [Read more...]

NYS Collection Eyewear Fashionable Sunglasses

Today I would like to introduce you to the eyewear company called NYS Collection Eyewear who designs, manufactures and distributes stylish and affordable sunglasses. They are a leader in the international eyewear and eyewear accessory market with a wholesale division selling millions of sunglasses … [Read more...]

Sunglass Warehouse Sunglasses

With a teenager in the house, I cannot buy enough sunglasses. The ultimate in fashion statements, sunglasses have become as important as clothing for most kids. I was thrilled to be able to do a review for a pair of sunglasses this week so now I am the good mom for a while. LOL Whether you are … [Read more...]

Kushyfoot Hosiery and Footwear for Women

I swear my daughter wanted to scream when she opened the package for me from Kushyfoot. "These are so cool, Mom." "Everyone wants these", is what I heard. I had to quickly lay down the law that they couldn't disappear into her room. I did tell her that she could help me test them out. Since she … [Read more...]

Bling Strands and Bling Jewels for Fun and Funky Hairstyles

Today I have a really cool hair accessory company to introduce you to called Bling Strands and they make professional quality hair accessories like Bling Jewels to put into your hair, Bling Strands to add funky colors and Bling Feathers which all of the Hollywood stars seem to be sporting around … [Read more...]

Novica Handcrafted Goods Jewelry Box

I have had the opportunity in my life to visit many different countries and I love handcrafted goods from artisans from around the world. The details and complexity of their handcrafts is amazing to me. There is a company that focuses their business on bring you the most fabulous handcrafted work … [Read more...]

Everki High-Quality Laptop Bags and Laptop Cases

It's that time again when kids and college students are heading back to school and we all know that means we have a lot of school shopping to do! Today's product review is for a company called Everki who sells a variety of cool laptop bags and laptop cases. These laptop bags are fabulous for … [Read more...]