Getting hunting gear is already a tough process with a ton of things to choose from, but when you are looking at cold-weather gear, the process only gets tougher. You can ask ten different hunters what they think the ‘essential pieces’ of cold-weather gear are and get ten different … [Read more...]
Efficient Tips for Making the Children’s Playground Safe
Having the kids play outdoors is a great way to have them exercise, have fun, and socialize with other kids; in general, this allows them to stay healthy because they’ll be able to stretch their bodies and fill their lungs with clean air. But, just as important these activities to the children, the … [Read more...]
5 Common Golf Injuries and How to Reduce Them
Using proper techniques while golfing can prevent some of the most common injuries. Yet, even good techniques won’t stop the worst from happening. When you’re sitting at home healing, browsing Golf Club Reviews is a good way to pass the time. But if you want to limit that healing process and spend … [Read more...]
Show Off Your Support for the Local Police with a Yard Sign
A few years ago my wife and I purchased a yard sign that showed off our support for our local police force. The men and women who patrol our area do a great job and are always willing to help their fellow citizens. Over the past 3 years that sign needed to be replaced but we couldn't find any local … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Make Your Backyard Your Very Own Calming Oasis
Everyone needs a place to escape to sometimes. Somewhere that is all their own to find a bit of reprieve from the stresses of daily life. If you are lucky enough to have a bit of green space on your property, you might have not yet realized the hidden potential it holds to become a true backyard … [Read more...]
Important Playground Safety Tips for Kids
Like most children my kids enjoy playing at one of our neighborhood playgrounds. Within a 5 minute drive we have three different ones to choose from. Playgrounds typically offer swings, sliding boards, jungle gyms, ball fields, merry-go-rounds, etc. for children to play on. I'm a protective … [Read more...]
How to Choose the Best Wakeboard Bindings?
It's time to elevate your spirit and try wakeboarding sports. This activity is a combination of physical and mental capabilities. To ensure a safe and fun-filled experience, you should start this sport by wearing proper gear. In doing this sport, you should have a wakeboard and boots ready on … [Read more...]
Fun Wintertime Outdoor Activities for Kids
As an adult I'll be the first one to admit...I hate winter. I don't enjoy being outside in the freezing cold, sliding around on ice or shoveling snow. However, when I was a kid it was a totally different story. My brother and I loved to go outside and play in the snow! * This post contains … [Read more...]