Life + Gear First Aid + Survival Quick Grab Kit

Life + Gear First Aid + Survival Quick Grab Kit

Over the past 3 years we’ve featured several of the Life+Gear flashlights and lanterns here on the TwoClassyChics blog. You can find our past reviews on LifeGear products by clicking HERE. * Complimentary product received for review. 2020 Holiday Gift Guide Featured Product. The Life 

Dorcy Ultra HD Series 320 Lumens Spot + Flood Light

Dorcy Ultra HD Series 320 Lumens Spot + Flood Light

When it comes to flashlights, lanterns and emergency lighting products, Dorcy is my husband’s favorite go-to brand. He’s been buying Dorcy products for over 10 years, even before we started reviewing and featuring them on the blog. In his opinion, they have the BEST flashlights 

Mosquito Misting vs. Fogging vs. Barrier Treatment: Here’s What You Need to Know

Mosquito Misting vs. Fogging vs. Barrier Treatment: Here’s What You Need to Know

Every summer, homeowners must deal with mosquitoes and other insects as they take part in outdoor activities in their yards. Enjoying outdoor activities and fresh air is healthy for adults and children alike if they do not suffer insect bites. Because mosquitoes can carry diseases, 

Life+Gear First Aid and Survival Essentials Kit

Life+Gear First Aid and Survival Essentials Kit

Over the past 3 years we’ve featured several of the Life+Gear flashlights and lanterns here on the TwoClassyChics blog. You can find our past reviews on LifeGear products by clicking HERE. * Complimentary product received for review. 2020 Holiday Gift Guide Featured Product. The Life+Gear 

Injured on a Trampoline: Who Is to Blame?

Injured on a Trampoline: Who Is to Blame?

Trampolines can be great fun. If you doubt that, watch the next kid you see on a trampoline. It won’t take long before you learn that they are having the time of their lives. It should come as no surprise that among all the fun 

Recharge Your Vehicle’s AC Easily with AC Pro Ultra Synthetic Refrigerant

Recharge Your Vehicle’s AC Easily with AC Pro Ultra Synthetic Refrigerant

Last month I noticed that the AC in my truck wasn’t putting out cold air so I knew it was time to recharge my vehicle’s AC system. I’ve always done this myself instead of taking it into the garage to get it done. The product 

The Best Campfire Food and Treats for Your Next Camping Trip

The Best Campfire Food and Treats for Your Next Camping Trip

Did you know that around 40.5 million Americans go camping each year? That’s quite the crowd. And with that many people camping, we can only imagine how many snacks they must be packing to bring along! Sharing food around the campfire is a quintessential part 

Grill Buying Guide: How to Choose the Best Grill for Your Backyard

Grill Buying Guide: How to Choose the Best Grill for Your Backyard

Summer is ramping up and it’s time for days at the pool and barbecued feasts. You can even experiment with different varieties of regional BBQ! Before any of that can happen, though, you need to have a proper grill. If you’re in need of a