Two Classy Chics Week in Review January 24th

Today is Friday, January 24th, 2020. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed! Quote of the Week: With the new year comes a refueled … [Read more...]

Pet Peeves: Lazy and Disrespectful People Who Litter

Over the past year I've been sharing with you some of my top 20 pet peeves and things that really irk me. Litter bugs are one of those things at the top of my pet peeves list! My family enjoys spending a lot of time outdoors. We can often be found outside hiking, camping, lazing around on the … [Read more...]

Family Bonding: Regular Dinner Dates Out

How many of you get together regularly with your family for bonding time? Our family is BIG on spending time together. During the warmer months of the year we'll often rotate houses and do backyard barbecues & pool parties. During the cooler months of the year we'll meet up at a local restaurant … [Read more...]

Two Classy Chics Week in Review January 17th

Today is Friday, January 17th, 2020. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed! Quote of the Week: With the new year comes a refueled … [Read more...]

A Fun-Filled Day at the Turkey Hill Experience

A few months ago we took the kids down to the Turkey Hill Experience which is a tourist attraction located in Columbia, Pennsylvania. If you're unfamiliar with the area, Columbia is located in Lancaster County. It's about an hour from Philadelphia, 30 minutes from downtown Lancaster, 1 hour 15 … [Read more...]

Two Classy Chics Week in Review January 10th

Today is Friday, January 10th, 2020. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed! Quote of the Week: The new year stands before us, like a … [Read more...]

Paying Our Respects to America’s Servicemen and Women

Once a month we like to visit a different cemetery in our home state of Pennsylvania. It doesn't matter if we know someone who is buried there or not. We visit these cemeteries to learn about America's past history and to pay our respects to the servicemen and women who have been lost over the … [Read more...]

Mailbox Monday for January 2020

Time for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for January 2020. The first Monday of every month you'll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you're a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog. The Mailbox … [Read more...]