Awesome Flea Market Find – Sand Dollars

Awesome Flea Market Find – Sand Dollars

My husband and I went to the Flea Market last weekend. We try to go 3-4 times throughout the summer. It’s a 25 minute drive from our home but is one of the largest Flea Markets in Central Pennsylvania. It’s held at William’s Grove. When 

Please Dispose of Chewing Gum Properly!

Please Dispose of Chewing Gum Properly!

Am I the only person in the world that hates chewing gum? I’ve always hated it…even as a kid! I find nothing exciting about putting a piece of “rubbery textured” goo in my mouth and chewing on it for hours. Ick, no thanks! I don’t 

Shopping at the Washington Street Mall in Cape May

Shopping at the Washington Street Mall in Cape May

Last month we spent the day in Cape May shopping at the Washington Street Mall. Cape May is a year-round shore town at the Jersey Shore. The Washington Street Mall is an outdoor mall where you walk outside from store to store down a brick 

TCC Week in Review for July 19th

TCC Week in Review for July 19th

Today is Friday, July 19th, 2024. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Stunning Summertime Sunsets in Pennsylvania

Stunning Summertime Sunsets in Pennsylvania

During the summertime I’m always impressed with the colorful sunsets that light-up the sky. During this time of the year the colors are bright, vivid and magical. You’ll see shades of red, orange, coral, yellow and pruple. At times the colors appear to be almost 

TCC Week in Review for July 12th

TCC Week in Review for July 12th

Today is Friday, July 12th, 2024. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Miniature Statue of Liberty in Dauphin Pennsylvania

Miniature Statue of Liberty in Dauphin Pennsylvania

This miniature (not so mini) Statue of Liberty is located in Dauphin, Pennsylvania. If you’re driving down routes 322/22 toward’s Harrisburg you should be able to see it out your car window to your right. It’s on a stone column from an old railroad bridge 

Lunch Date to the Olive Garden

Lunch Date to the Olive Garden

Twice a month I try to take my wife out on a lunch or dinner date. It’s a great way for us to communicate with one another and to keep our stress levels down. All parents and adult couples need to take time out to