Having Fun at the Beachfront Playground in North Wildwood

Having Fun at the Beachfront Playground in North Wildwood

Our grandchildren love visiting different neighborhood playgrounds and exploring them. These days you can find some really nice ones with all kinds of different apparatus for the kids to play on. From jungle gyms, climbing bars, mini rock climbing walls, swings, sliding boards, ride-on toys, 

TCC Week in Review for September 6th

TCC Week in Review for September 6th

Today is Friday, September 6th, 2024. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Having Fun on the Boardwalk in Wildwood

Having Fun on the Boardwalk in Wildwood

When visiting the Jersey Shore our grandchildren love going up onto the boardwalk in Wildwood during the evening. Why you might ask? Well, it’s not to go shopping! They love to get on the amusement park rides (3 piers of rides to choose from) and 

Mailbox Monday for September 2024

Mailbox Monday for September 2024

Time for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for September 2024. The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by 

TCC Week in Review for August 30th

TCC Week in Review for August 30th

Today is Friday, August 30th, 2024. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Shopping at the Farmstead Farmers Market in Palmyra

Shopping at the Farmstead Farmers Market in Palmyra

Last month we took a 20 minute drive into Palmyra to visit the Farmstead Farmers Market. This is a great market to visit if you want to shop and buy local in central Pennsylvania. It’s about a 20 minute drive from Harrisburg and Hershey. They’re 

TCC Week in Review for August 23rd

TCC Week in Review for August 23rd

Today is Friday, August 23rd, 2024. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Beautiful Sunrise Over the Atlantic Ocean

Beautiful Sunrise Over the Atlantic Ocean

Are you a fan of watching sunrises and sunsets? My wife and I really enjoy seeing them, especially if we’re traveling. Recently we were down in Cape May County in New Jersey at Wildwood. One morning we got up early and headed to the North