Unique and Artistic Door Mats from Entryways

Unique and Artistic Door Mats from Entryways

When you walk into a home one of the first things you see is the door mat, so I feel it’s a very important home decorating accessory that every home should have. Your doormat should reflect your personality or your home’s personality and decor. The 

3 Ways to Keep Your Ducts Working Efficiently

3 Ways to Keep Your Ducts Working Efficiently

Forced-air heating and cooling systems rely on ducts to transport air to your living spaces. However, these ducts can drastically reduce the efficiency of your system if you fail to properly maintain them. If you haven’t done your part to keep your ducts in good 

Before and After New Exterior House Paint Makeover

Before and After New Exterior House Paint Makeover

Seven years ago my husband and I bought our home from my great aunt. My uncle had passed away 2 years earlier and she needed the money to survive. Once we bought the house from her…we rented it to her very cheaply so that she 

5 Reasons Why Hiring a Water Damage Restoration Company is Important

5 Reasons Why Hiring a Water Damage Restoration Company is Important

Cleaning up the aftermath of water damage is not as easy as most people presume. A great majority of property owners assume that drying and wiping away the dirt (or residue) is all that is required during water damage repair and restoration solutions. Sadly but 

Understanding the House Water Filtration System

Installing a house water filtration system is the next best idea you will ever have. Water often seems pretty innocent but it comes with so many contaminants that have adverse short term and long term effects on your health. This has made many people to 

22 Coastal Beach Home Decor Decorating Ideas

22 Coastal Beach Home Decor Decorating Ideas

I love decorating my home in a coastal and beach style. I like to hunt down unique pieces that have meaning to me and I love making my own things when I have the time. Decorating in a coastal style doesn’t have to break the 

Dorcy Hi-Definition USB Rechargeable Powerbank Flashlight

Dorcy Hi-Definition USB Rechargeable Powerbank Flashlight

I’m super excited to have Dorcy in the Two Classy Chic’s Holiday Gift Guide again this year! If you are unfamiliar with  the lighting company called Dorcy Direct, they sell hundreds and hundreds of indoor and outdoor lighting products. When you shop at Dorcy Direct you will 

Is Your Home Truly House Healthy?

Is Your Home Truly House Healthy?

People often wonder what they can do to make their houses healthier and more energy efficient. Though it might not be immediately apparent, there are many things a homeowner can do to improve in these vital areas. Among them are upgrading your attic insulation (or