Massive Hornet Bee’s Nest in Roof Rafters

Massive Hornet Bee’s Nest in Roof Rafters

Seven years ago we purchased an old 1950’s home that was previously owned by my great uncle and auntie. After my uncle died, we purchased the home, so that my great auntie could still live in it until her death. Once she passed away, we 

Protect Your Outdoor Space from Mosquitoes with Zapplight

Protect Your Outdoor Space from Mosquitoes with Zapplight

During the summertime we spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying our swimming pool, playing backyard games, entertaining guests on our deck and working on our gardens. We love being outside in the sunshine and breathing-in the fresh air. However, one nasty problem that comes 

DIY Stick-On LED Touch Light from OxyLED

DIY Stick-On LED Touch Light from OxyLED

Seven years ago we made the decision to purchase an older home from another member in our family. The home was built in the early 1960’s and the previous home owners did very little to modernize it over the years. The house is quite spaceous 

Update Your Home for Summer with a Beautiful Doormat from Entryways

Update Your Home for Summer with a Beautiful Doormat from Entryways

When people visit my home, one of the first things that they’ll notice is my beautiful doormat. I feel that a doormat is a very important home decorating accessory that provides a necessary function (keeps dirt out).  A doormat should reflect your personality or your home’s personality 

2 Must-Have Products for the Laundry Room

2 Must-Have Products for the Laundry Room

* Complimentary Products Received for Review and Inclusion. Two months ago we completely gutted our small laundry room and have started the remodeling process. My husband is putting up new walls, flooring and a beautiful new ceiling, while adding 6 more feet to the current 

Beautiful and Unique Doormats from Entryways

Beautiful and Unique Doormats from Entryways

When you walk into a home one of the first things you see is the door mat, so I feel it’s a very important home decorating accessory that every home should have. Your doormat should reflect your personality or your home’s personality and decor. The 

New Landscape Lighting with Solar Powered Spotlights

New Landscape Lighting with Solar Powered Spotlights

Spring is finally in-the-air and we’re getting to work on our spring landscaping projects. Over the winter, we had several storms come through our area that tore down trees, wrecked my flower beds and ruined my backyard patio. I’m excited to get things cleaned up 

Stick-On Anywhere Wireless Motion Sensor LED Light

Stick-On Anywhere Wireless Motion Sensor LED Light

Several years ago my husband and I decided to purchase an older home that offered a lot of charm. The home that we purchased was built in the 1960’s and the previous owners did very little to modernize it over the year. Even with it’s