How to Clean and Repaint Outdoor Shepherd’s Hooks

Shepherd's hooks get dirty, rusty, and grimey just like any outdoor garden decor item. It's important to clean them semi-yearly to keep them looking nice.  If you properly take care of them they should last you for several years, if not decades. I pull all of mine out of the ground and lay them … [Read more...]

Tips for Buying an Outdoor Storage Shed

Outdoor storage sheds come in all different sizes and shapes. You can purchase ones made from treated wood, metal, hard plastic, coated rubber, and all type's of materials. They can come completely empty inside or loaded with extra features. When looking to buy a new outdoor storage shed you need to … [Read more...]

Refinishing Old Furniture Using the DeWALT Palm Sander

One of our neighbors that used to live down the street and moved to another state last month gave us several old furniture pieces to upcycle and refinish. They know that Shelly and I enjoy all kinds of home improvement projects including refinishing old furniture. In my honest opinion, older pieces … [Read more...]

4 Things Your Home Gaming Room Needs

Many people want to get into gaming right now, and it is proving very popular. You might get a computer and carve out some space in the corner and call that your gaming space. However, some gamers might want a dedicated gaming space with no distractions. For these gamers, a gaming room is a great … [Read more...]

5 Reasons to Invest in Bathroom Remodeling

Your bathroom is among the essential parts of your house. This is where you start your day in the morning and get a hot shower after a tiring day. However, the bathroom often gets the least attention. An average person spends about 30 minutes per day in the bathroom. This translates to about 182 … [Read more...]

Caulking Tips for Do-It-Yourself Home Owners

Do-it-Yourself home owners can easily take care of their own at-home caulking jobs by following a few easy tips. You can use a squeeze tube or a caulking gun to apply it directly onto the surface. I use both methods depending on the size and type of project that I'm working on. Here are a few … [Read more...]

Loctite Power Grab Ultimate Adhesive

Every home should have a strong adhesive glue in the toolbox. These type's of adhesives are needed when you need a quick, strong, and permanent bond. I use them to repair all kinds of different things around the house. Loctite Power Grab Ultimate Adhesive is the one that I recommend and use. Over … [Read more...]

5 Traits to Look for in a Great Home Security System

When it comes to choosing a system to secure your home, you want to be sure that you are making the best decision possible. There are many different home security systems on the market, so how do you know which one is right for you? We have put together a list of the top 5 traits to look for in a … [Read more...]