Signs of Imbalance in Your Third Eye Chakra and How to Balance It

Signs of Imbalance in Your Third Eye Chakra and How to Balance It

The Third Eye Chakra is located above the nose, right between the eyebrows. It is at the centre of the forehead, and this energy core is also known as “Ajna” in Sanskrit. Ajna Chakra is widely known for its connection to perception, memory, intuition, and 

Synthesis to Purity: 5 Key Points About Delta 8 THC Products

When it comes to cannabis, either high THC or Hemp, they are going to contain cannabidiol. There are two familiar complex mixtures found in each: delta-9, which is the psychoactive ingredient, and delta 8 THC products or tetrahydrocannabinol, a less active psychoactive mixture. The delta-9 

BP-RX Lower Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Naturally

BP-RX Lower Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Naturally

Do you have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol? Tired of taking prescription medications trying to lower them? Looking for a natural alternative? If you answered YES to any of those questions you’ll want to check out BP-RX, a natural way to lower your blood pressure 

What You Should Know About Employment Drug Testing

What You Should Know About Employment Drug Testing

In this article we will discuss everything you need to now about employment drug testing. Without wasting much time, let’s get started. First of all, is occupational drug and alcohol testing legal? Even though it’s regarded as a violation of privacy by a lot of 

How to Cope with an Elderly Parent Who is Terminally Ill

How to Cope with an Elderly Parent Who is Terminally Ill

When your parents have become elderly and their health is evidently on a steep decline, or they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with not much time left, then it’s deeply upsetting. Yet as a son or daughter, it’s necessary to manage those feelings 

Health Hazards Associated with Hearing Loss

Health Hazards Associated with Hearing Loss

More than 460 million people around the world are suffering from mild to profound hearing loss around the world. This problem is increasing day by day. People with hearing loss often ignore this condition by considering it a simple inconvenience. However, if not taken proper 

Why I Choose to Wear a Face Mask

Why I Choose to Wear a Face Mask

Why do I personally choose to wear a face mask? Well, I’m going to tell you. But first…I want to say that I respect the decision that other people have made to not wear one. We live in a country that has afforded us the 

Digestive Discomfort – 5 Common Foods That Cause Tummy Troubles

Digestive Discomfort – 5 Common Foods That Cause Tummy Troubles

Many different things can cause bloating, bellyaches, and abdominal discomfort, but diet is one of the most common culprits that you can easily beat. By reducing how much you consume items that upset your stomach, you can keep your gut happy without draining any time