Keep Your Documents Safe in a Security File Box

Keep Your Documents Safe in a Security File Box

Everyone has documents and files that they need to keep organized and secured in one way or another. These documents can simply be your birth certificates, social security information, home owner’s policy, insurance policy, banking information, tax records and so forth. It seems the paper 

Holiday Gift Ideas for Men from Mary Kay

Holiday Gift Ideas for Men from Mary Kay

When it comes to shopping for the men on my holiday gift-giving list I like to shop for practical presents that I know they will use. Things like men’s cologne, after-shave lotions, balms and shaving products. Mary Kay is is a direct selling company that 

Practical Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Men

Practical Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Men

** Product Samples Were Received for This Feature ** When it comes to holiday gifts…I am all about the practical ones that any man can use all year long. I love to take several items and group them together in a nice holiday stocking or 

SMB Essentials Organic SON Mens Shave Trio Gift Set

SMB Essentials Organic SON Mens Shave Trio Gift Set

We often think about the products we put on our skin as women, but sometimes I forget about the products that men end up using on their skin. In many ways, mens skin is more delicate that a woman’s and deserves the same treatment we 

A Guy’s Guide to Accessorizing – Infographic

Many women think that men are not into accessories and well, that simply isn’t true! My man will accessorize when we are going out for special occasions, date night or for his meetings at work. He keeps a well-stocked wardrobe of accessories like: jewelry, belts, 

State Traditions Lifestyle Fashion: American Collection

Summer fashion often takes a turn towards the Americana patriotic style due to the many holidays we have. Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day round out the patriotic holidays during the summer. So it is no wonder that we gravitate to the bright 

Computer and Travel Bags from Pahmer

Computer and Travel Bags from Pahmer

A few months ago my husband made a huge career move. He had been working with a company for over 30 years and had went as far as he could go with them. After some thought, he decided to make a big career move and 

PACT Organic Everyday Essential Apparel

PACT Organic Everyday Essential Apparel

My son is a self confessed clothes horse. It is fun to watch him choose his clothing with care and make sure that he matches all around. I think that is great! I love that he feels great in his clothes and it shows. I