Quick and Easy Seashell Garden Plant Markers

Quick and Easy Seashell Garden Plant Markers

Heading on vacation this summer to the beach? Live near the beach or have a collection of seashells sitting around collecting dust? Turn those seashells into garden plant markers! Seashells hold up well to the weather! They will help you indentify your garden plants. Use 

Tips for Repainting Garden Yard Art Figures and Statues

Tips for Repainting Garden Yard Art Figures and Statues

I have a lot of small to medium sized figures and statues throughout my flower beds and gardens. Some that I have are 15+ years old and have sentimental value to me. Over the years those items can get beaten up by the weather and 

Frugal Finds – Pottery Houseplant Gardening Planters

Frugal Finds – Pottery Houseplant Gardening Planters

Gardening…it’s one of my spring and summer passions. I enjoy planting flower and veggie gardens outside and indoors I grow about 35 houseplants. I wouldn’t say that I have a “green thumb” but I do have moderate gardening experience. During this time of the year 

Beautiful Small Ceramic Indoor Plant Pot Set by Dsben

Beautiful Small Ceramic Indoor Plant Pot Set by Dsben

I enjoy gardening, both indoors and outdoors gardening. Every room inside our home has at least one houseplant with many rooms having 3 or more. I love how they look in our home giving it that cozy feel and houseplants help to naturally filter the 

Is Your Garden Child Safe? 6 Things to Check

Is Your Garden Child Safe? 6 Things to Check

If you have children or are planning to have them in the future, when you are looking for a new home one of your priorities might be finding somewhere with a garden. Most parents look forward to summers spent outdoors, playing with the kids, splashing 

Macrame Indoor Plant Hangers an Easy Way to Display Houseplants

Macrame Indoor Plant Hangers an Easy Way to Display Houseplants

I love gardening and that includes having over 2 dozen indoor houseplants. I have plants in just about every room of our home. They add beauty to every room and help to filter the indoor air. You can sit them on shelves, on a specially 

The Killer Truth About Herbicides and Alternative Options for Your Garden

The Killer Truth About Herbicides and Alternative Options for Your Garden

Every gardener’s dream is to eliminate the need to pull weeds. We’ll do everything we can to avoid it. Put down plastic, throw a layer of mulch over the surface, and sometimes, we even spray them with herbicides. The irony here is that by creating 

Protecting Your Vegetable Garden from Voles

Protecting Your Vegetable Garden from Voles

Last year we had a pretty bad problem with groundhogs and voles destroying our vegetable gardens. In our area…there aren’t many natural predators to take care of them, so we had an abundance of both running around and living in our backyard! They destroyed hundreds