Add Color to Your Outdoor Garden Spaces with Wind Spinners

Add Color to Your Outdoor Garden Spaces with Wind Spinners

We are now into the month of May and many of us have already started working in our gardens and updating our outdoor spaces. For me personally, we have one really large veggie garden, 4 flower beds and a small berry patch. In addition, we 

How to Keep Those Pesky Mosquito’s Away

How to Keep Those Pesky Mosquito’s Away

During the spring, summer and fall seasons we spend a lot of time outdoors. Some of this time is spent sitting around the pool, gardening, playing backyard games or just being outside entertaining some friends. Living up here in the northeast…we make sure we take 

Getting Ready for Spring and Summer Gardening

Getting Ready for Spring and Summer Gardening

It is hard to believe but we are now halfway through the month of April and I am getting “Spring Fever” even worse than before. I am just “itching” to get outside more and get my Spring and Summer gardening started. How about you? Last 

Homesteading Skills That Will Save You Money

There are so many people that are going back to their roots to get out of the rat race, save money and earning their income from their own business. Downsizing is something that so many people are choosing as well as doing their own projects 

Gardening – Prepping for Spring Planting

I live in a home with a pretty small back yard. While it is sufficient for our needs, I did manage to take away all of my grass and planting areas by putting a pool in 15 years ago or so. Now I do love 

Coastal Beach Lobster House Flag

Coastal Beach Lobster House Flag

We are now approaching the middle of February and Spring is just around the corner. I don’t know about all of you but I am definitely ready for Spring to arrive. Now that I am getting Spring Fever…I am out looking for new & fresh 

Blooming Christmas Cactus

I love Christmas time. Not only is it a wonderful time for family, friends and holiday celebrations, it is also cold enough to force my Christmas cactus to bloom. It is a wonder to me how the plant knows that it is time to bloom. 

End of Summer Gardening

End of Summer Gardening

Good morning everyone! Today’s post will be quick and sweet. For those of you looking for Jenelle’s wedding photos, check back on Friday morning for that post. It will have photos & wedding details! We had a great time! Summer is coming to an end