How many of you are into gardening? For those of you who you enjoy flower gardens, vegetable gardens or both? I'm a gardening fanatic now that we have our own home and I've been really educating myself on flowers, bushes, trees, veggies and fruits. Every season we add new plants in our … [Read more...]
Gardening: The Purple Bearded Iris
How many of you enjoy gardening? I know I do! About 4 1/2 years ago I planted a slew of Bearded Iris flower bulbs around our property. Some of them will bloom purple, blue/purple, peach or orange. I love the colors that you can find them in and they're super easy to grow! This past spring (2016) … [Read more...]
Tips for Growing Bleeding Hearts
I live in the northeast and I'm always looking for flowers and plants that will grow well in planting zone 4. Our winters can get bone-chilling cold and our summers can be blistering hot. We have a few shady areas on our property and I discovered that Bleeding Hearts and Hostas grow well in these … [Read more...]
Spring Gardening – Early Bloomers
I'm not a fan of winter at all and always find that season of the year depressing. Matter of fact, as soon as winter starts, I start counting down to the first day of Spring! Spring has finally arrived here on the northeast coast and I was pretty excited to see it's first signs on Monday, March … [Read more...]
Custom Printed House and Garden Flags
We are inching closer and closer to the holidays. Many of us have already started our holiday shopping and others are still sitting around & waiting to begin. Either is the time to either get started or to finish up! When it comes to buying gifts...I love to give personalized gifts, … [Read more...]
Protect Your Back and Knees with the Ohuhu Garden Kneeler and Seat
My husband and I are avid gardeners. We have 2 vegetable gardens and 6 flower gardens here on our property. Gardening is a lot of hard work but it's something that we both enjoy doing. It gets us outside in the fresh air and it's great for burning calories! One of the things that a lot of … [Read more...]
Big and Bold Kinetic Metal Wind Spinners
We are now into the dog days of Summer and many of us are looking to make a big, bold statement in our Summer and early Fall gardens. For me personally, I opted to make my big & bold statement with a gorgeous Kinetic Metal Wind Spinner from HomenYard. Wind spinners have been around for many … [Read more...]
Decorate Your Garden with DIY Stepping Stone Kits
For the past 2 years my husband and I have been putting a lot of time and money into the landscaping around our home. We have a lot of plans for our property and after 2 years...I would estimate that we have accomplished 60% of them. Now that the major landscaping tasks have been completed, it's … [Read more...]