12 Bike Riding Quotes for Inspiration

When my husband and I were both younger…we loved to get on our bicycles and cruise around the neighborhood during the weekends. Then our lives got busy and we quit riding our bikes for many years. Well, that is all about to change and starting 

DOD Fitness Tools Helps You Workout in Comfort

Working out can be tough on the body in more ways than one. OF course the whole reason one is working out is to work the body, stretch the muscles and grow stronger. Sometimes weak joints can hamper your efforts. I am weak in several 

Roll Away Knots With the BodyworksBall

There are four areas in my body that give ma a lot of trouble and they are my feet, my neck and shoulders, and my lower back. After multiple car wrecks in my life and spending way to many hours at the keyboard, it takes 

Power Boxing Workout With Olympian Marlen Esparza DVD

If you love fitness and working out then you know that shaking up your routine is an excellent way to break a plateau and develop new muscles you didn’t know you had! I have a cool giveaway for you today that you fitness lovers are 

Fit as a Pro with Lauren Sesselmann Fitness DVD

As a child/teen, I was always in sports and it was amazing. It felt great to be a part of a team, working together to achieve wonderful things. Also, it was awesome to see how far I could push myself to be successful to help 

Jessica Smith Walk On: Strength and Balance DVD

I have been getting out more and more on walks lately, but when time is tight, I love to put in a dvd and just get some movement going. I was sent this new walking dvd to check out and it sounded like a cool 

We Heart Yoga: Prenatal Flow DVD

While obviously I am not going to be a parent again, I know that there are many moms to be that follow our blog and would love to find a way to be able to stretch and exercise while pregnant, as long as it was 

Weight Watchers Ultimate Belly Fitness DVD

The belly is the toughest area on a women to tighten and tone especially after having kids. I think many of us can relate to that! Now there is a great DVD from Weight Watchers that will help kick that tough area to the curb