Leslie Sansone Mix+Match Walk Blasters DVD
Now that fall is on the way and the days are getting a tad cooler, it is harder to get into the pool for my workout. This summer, I ran an hour in the water 3-4 times a week and I was really pleased with …
Classy and Opinionated Lifestyle Mom Blog
Now that fall is on the way and the days are getting a tad cooler, it is harder to get into the pool for my workout. This summer, I ran an hour in the water 3-4 times a week and I was really pleased with …
Now that I have completely recovered from my total hip replacement I have been starting to workout again. Right now I am into yoga, light-impact aerobics, power walking and swimming. Finally, I am getting my body back in shape again. One thing that I needed …
My exercise and yoga mats and I have close relationships. They support me from salutations to planks and are always there during corpse pose. I don’t think I care for them the same way they do me. I wipe them down and appreciate them, but …
When it comes to fitness, bike riding is one of the best exercises you can do for cardio and to work out your legs. So many people use the gym for spin classes but buying your own bike and enjoying the great outdoors is a …
Finding the perfect fitness workout the works for you and is right for your level of fitness can be a workout on it’s own. With so many wonderful DVD’s coming out, you have the ability to choose just the right one for you. Today I …
There has been a lot of wonderful additions to the fitness arena lately. We have been lucky to be able to feature some of them for you and today I want to share a wildly popular website and product that has been making waves in …
With nicer weather finally showing up this spring, now is a great time to think about ways to change your exercise routine to shake it up a bit. Bike riding is a wonderful exercise that is good for building strong muscles and bones as well …
One of my good friends spent 25 years or more in the professional ballet dance theaters, traveling all over the world performing day after day. She danced from age 3 until retiring at 50 and still today is in terrific shape. Ballet is a well …