Bulu Box Health and Nutrition Monthly Subscription Box

I was excited to have been able to review the Bulu Box! The Bulu Box is a vitamin, supplement, and general health subscription sample box designed to help feel the very best. It has a new mix of products for both men and women. Each 

Leslie Sansone 5 Mega Miles Walk DVD Bonus Pack

I have been working hard to get back into shape and walking is one of the main forms of exercise that I actually enjoy doing. I am not able to get out of the house every day, but I am so happy now that I 

Patricia Friberg’s Power 4 Pink Workout Fitness DVD

Power 4 Pink Workout Cardio, Strength, Pilates & Balance Patricia has been a fitness instructor teaching a variety of formats for over 15 years, including Pilates, Spinning, Kickboxing, Step, Outdoor Boot Camp, and Yoga to name a few. She also has over a decade of 

Cardio Core Workout With Dr. Levi: The Art of Fitness DVD

I am so happy to have been able to review a fantastic DVD called “Dr. Levi: The Art of Fitness.” I hardly ever can find a good full body workout that takes a quick amount of time. With Dr. Levi’s Art of Fitness, I found 

Valerie Rogers ChogaFlow Chair Yoga Fitness DVD

** Complimentary Copy Received for Review ** I love Yoga and have been doing Yoga on and off for the past 5 years. Back in April I had a total hip replacement and haven’t been able to do normal fitness routines or Yoga. However, I 

Tighten, Tone and Torch With Suzanne Bowen Fitness DVD

Who doesn’t want to burn fat, and tighten up all over? The hard part is finding a workout that is challenging but do-able, affordable, quick enough to fit into a hectic day and motivating. Fitness expert Suzanne Bowen’s newest DVD, “Tighten, Tone and Torch”, hits 

Quick Fit with Andrea Metcalf Fitness DVD Review

I am so happy to have been able to review a fantastic DVD called “Quick Fit with Andrea Metcalf.” I hardly ever have the time for exercise. With Quick Fit, I had no excuse! I could easily squeeze some exercise time in my busy schedule. 

Healing Through Movement with Zayna Gold Exercise DVD

I was able to review Zayna Gold’s “Healing Through Movement: Pilates Head to Toe” exercise DVD. This DVD is designed for those with Crohn’s & Colitis, Celiac, IBS, and other digestive disorders. I enjoyed this DVD for its simplicity and flexibility, which allows it to