Cell Phone Skins from GelaSkins

Cell Phone Skins from GelaSkins

Today I would like to introduce you to the really cool company called GelaSkins who sells iPad Skins, iPhone Skins, iPod Skins, Laptop Skins, Gaming Skins, Custom Skins and just about any other type of skins you would need for your techie gear and/or gaming 

Decal Girl Laptop and XBox Skins

When you have a teen in the house, it becomes more and more difficult to purchase gifts that they will want and enjoy. If you ask them what they would want to receive as a gift, all I hear is music or games. How boring! 

I got a new laptop computer today!

I have been pestering my husband for weeks now to give in and purchase me a new laptop computer. I work from home running 2 online businesses so it is very important that I have a good reliable laptop computer and finally…I got a new 

Back Up Your Computer With Carbonite!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carbonite for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. I run 2 businesses from my home and both of them are online businesses so it is very important that I backup my computer and files 

Educational Insights GeoSafari Tuff Cam

Educational Insights GeoSafari Tuff Cam

Today I would like to introduce you to the company called Educational Insights based out of Southern California. Educational Insights is the manufacturer of playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. Their products are designed by 

Laptop Storage Options for Home and Office

Hubby and I are revamping all of the rooms of the house we purchased last spring and one of the rooms we are turning into a large home office. I work from home and he often brings his “work” home to finish on the weekends 

I’m Trying To Find The Perfect Laptop Bag

For the past few weeks I have been on the hunt for a new laptop bag to fit my 17″ laptop that I use for my home business and trying to find the perfect one that holds not only my laptop but my other home 

Everki High-Quality Laptop Bags and Laptop Cases

It’s that time again when kids and college students are heading back to school and we all know that means we have a lot of school shopping to do! Today’s product review is for a company called Everki who sells a variety of cool laptop bags