The Snugg iPad Mini Case Review

I recently received an iPad mini for my birthday and use it daily for everything from playing a round of Scrabble, checking email and watching my favorite shows before bedtime to using it to display a recipe I’m trying to tackle in the kitchen. I’m 

Quality Laptop Bags for Women and Men by Altego

My husband and I own 4 laptop computers, an iPad, iPod and a netbook, yes…we are an electronic geek family! The reason we own so many electronics is that he needs them for his job and I need them for mine. When we travel…we pack 

Mobio Handsfree Tools for All of Your Devices

Mobile on the go technology is quickly growing in its usage, especially for those that do not have normal local online connections, laptops or desktop computers. Using items like web access mobile phones and tablets have brought millions of people into the era of instant 

iPad with Retina Display Giveaway Event

We are teaming up with many other bloggers to bring you this nice giveaway of a new iPad with the awesome Retina display that you and your family will love. Perfect for reading, games, surfing the web and more. Enter below to win this awesome 

Learn How to Protect Your Kids with Internet Safety Online Courses for Parents

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of OvernightGeek University for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. Today I wanted to talk to all of our blog readers about a very important topic ~ protecting our kids when they use the internet 

MapiCases High Quality Leather iPad Case

I have been looking for just the right case for my tablet. I wanted something that can be used as a purse as well as a tablet case. I didn’t want anything to big or bulky; I was looking for something just right. I am 

The Lynktec TruGlide Pro Precision Stylus

I have a love/hate relationship with my phone. I love the capabilities that is has, but I hate touch screens! I spend more time dealing with misspelled words and flipping from one screen to the next to try and get a message done than it 

TandemStock for Artistic Cell Phone Cases

I must admit, I am very particular on having cases for my phone… I usually like the ‘clean, standard, stock’ look of not having a cell phone case… However, getting this case from Tandem Stills + Motion has changed my mind! I love the very