Elevate Your Skincare Game with Dermaplaning

Elevate Your Skincare Game with Dermaplaning

A physical exfoliation technique called dermaplaning eliminates the accumulation of dead skin cells and fine hairs, or “peach fuzz.” When done properly by a trained esthetician, it can leave the face feeling smooth and ready to absorb skincare products. Reduces Acne Dermaplaning is a physical 

Not Just for Wrinkles: Surprising Benefits of Botox You Should Know

Not Just for Wrinkles: Surprising Benefits of Botox You Should Know

Botox, often linked to cosmetic enhancements, has a scope beyond just addressing wrinkles. This treatment is proving its worth in various medical therapies and aesthetic improvements. Its broad range of applications is changing perceptions, revealing many therapeutic uses. From New York’s bustling streets to the 

ALIVER Peel Off Exfoliating Foot Mask

ALIVER Peel Off Exfoliating Foot Mask

During the winter season my feet get extremely dry. Those itchy patches of dry skin just drive me nuts! I’ve tried moisturizing my feet with all kinds of foot lotions and creams. I’ve tried foot soaks and while some of them have helped…other’s haven’t. It’s 

Tips & Tricks on Transforming Thinning Hair into Lush Locks

Tips & Tricks on Transforming Thinning Hair into Lush Locks

Are you tired of your once-voluminous mane looking a bit lackluster lately? Don’t fret; you’re not alone on this hair journey. Thinning hair can happen to anyone, but the good news is that there are some fantastic tricks and tips to help you turn that 

HoMedics Bubble Mate Foot Spa Bath

HoMedics Bubble Mate Foot Spa Bath

Two months ago my husband was diagnosed with some health problems that he’ll need to deal with for the rest of his life. One of those problems causes his feet to hurt along with swelling around his ankles, not to mention the dry, itchy skin 

Remove Your Dark Eyes Circles without Surgery

Remove Your Dark Eyes Circles without Surgery

Dark circles are patches of discoloration that typically form beneath your lower eyelids. Causes of dark eye circles can range from lack of sleep to dehydration and genetics. Though they’re usually nothing to worry about, dark circles can sometimes be a sign of a more 

How Are Cosmetics Made?

How Are Cosmetics Made?

All around the world, there are people who use cosmetics on a daily basis. There are individuals who want to beautify themselves and emphasize their natural features. There are also performers who use stage and theatrical makeup as a part of their profession. But how 

TOUCHBeauty Electric Eyebrow Trimmer for Women

TOUCHBeauty Electric Eyebrow Trimmer for Women

I’m 55 years old and the days of using tweezers to trim my eyebrows are over. Heck, they’ve been over for the past 10 years. I’ve never liked tweezing because it’s painful and time consuming. I gave up on that years ago and I’m so