I'm a self professed neat and clean freak. If you've been reading this blog for the past 11 years you'll already know that. I'm one of those type's of people who actually enjoys cleaning as long as I have the right tools for the job. I like them to be easy-to-use and versatile. If they have … [Read more...]
Different Skips for Different Jobs
Skips come in many shapes and sizes. Different types can be hired from companies such as skip bins sydney for commercial and domestic use. So, let us explore these different types. Mini Skip These mini skips are ideal for the smaller household jobs. The advantage of them is that they do not … [Read more...]
Getting Things Organized with a Battery Storage Box
How many of you have a junk drawer with a ton of batteries floating around in it? We had 2 of them, one in the kitchen and one in my workshop. I was constantly looking for batteries, buying new ones because I couldn't find what I needed and wasting time & money while I was at it. Not to mention, … [Read more...]
How to Keep Your Home Organized After Moving
Ah—you’ve done it. You’re in a new home. It’s easy to sprawl out and relax after just moving into your new home, whether you've gone for something like one of these brand new homes in Mechanicsburg PA or something that has previously been lived in, but you’ve still got work to do. Although the … [Read more...]
Life + Gear Personal Protection & Sanitizing Kit
Over the past 3 years we've featured several of the Life+Gear flashlights, lanterns, and survival kits here on the TwoClassyChics blog. You can find our past reviews on LifeGear products by clicking HERE. * Complimentary product received for review. 2020 Holiday Gift Guide Featured … [Read more...]
How to Clean and Disinfect Your Kitchen Trash Can
Cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen trash can be a messy, but necessary task. It's important that you clean, disinfect and deodorize it regularly. Make it part of your regular cleaning routine. The more often that you clean it...the better things will be. I personally clean mine once every 2 weeks … [Read more...]
4 Simple Ways to Keep an Organized and Clutter-free Bedroom
Waking up each day to a clean, clutter-free bedroom is something many people look forward to but to achieve that, you have to do some work on your end. A recent research shows how clutter might be affecting the general well-being of most people today and how it also aids laziness and … [Read more...]
How to Properly Dispose Expired Medication
Every 3 months I take the time to clean out both of our medicine cabinets. I look for medication that we no longer use or ones that have passed their expiration dates. This includes OTC over-the-counter and prescription medication. It's important that we go through these things regularly and to … [Read more...]