Perfect Holiday Gift Idea for Kids Who Love Steven Universe

Steven Universe is a fantastical animated series about the adventures of a boy named Steven, the ultimate "little brother" to a team of magical guardians of humanity—the Crystal Gems. Steven doesn’t have much control over his powers, which originate from the gem in his bellybutton. But that doesn't … [Read more...]

Fashionable Bow Ties for Stylish Babies

My family was blessed back in early September with the birth of a little baby boy! My little grandson is the apple of our eyes and is the perfect addition to our family. The holiday season is here and my daughter was looking for a newborn baby boy bow tie for the holiday season. She wants to get … [Read more...]

Baby Magic Spooky-Cute Halloween Costume Contest

I've been a huge fan of the Baby Magic baby products for many years! I used them with my daughter and now I'm using them all over again with my grandchildren. I love how those products smell and more importantly, I love how they are gentle on baby's skin! Are you a fan too? If so...I've got some … [Read more...]

How To Save Money On Food And Baby Supplies

If you are a new mother who is coping with the problem of how to supply the necessary supplies for your baby, while still trying to balance the budget to keep yourself fed, you know that you will need all the help you can get to keep you going. While you know that there are plenty of assistance … [Read more...]

Merino Kids Organic Cotton Sleep Sack

Having a new baby is a lot of hard work. There are those middle of the night diaper changes & feedings, those cranky colic times of the day and let's not forget the spit-up that always seems to happen at the most inappropriate time. Being a new mother isn't easy but it sure is … [Read more...]

Animal Planet Animal Harness Backpack

Our grandchildren are the center of our lives. We are very fortunate that they live a short 10 minutes away and we spend a lot of time with them. We love to get the kids and take them to various community festivals, fairs, amusement parks, museums, etc. We just enjoy being around the grandchildren … [Read more...]

ZippySack Cool Bedding Line Makes Bed-Making Fun

How many of you are looking for the perfect gift to give to a young child this holiday season? I know many of us are! Well, guess what? I've got a great choice to tell you about today called the ZippySack! The ZippySack is a new product that is helping to teach children the responsibility of … [Read more...]

Give Kids Kauzbots the “Robots With a Heart”

Kauzbots was quietly founded in 2008 by a group of friends and philanthropists in Orange County, Calif. and looked to a group of passionate marketers to help take the brand to new levels. Kauzbots has become a popular and unique brand among children and gift-givers alike. Each Kauzbot has a … [Read more...]