Repel Head Lice Naturally with SoCozy Hair Products

My daughter is 7 years old and is in the 2nd grade at school. After school she’s involved in sports and scouts. One of the things that I’m always worried about is her catching head lice from someone at school. Let’s face it, the majority 

Tips to Make Mealtime Fun for Kids!

Tips to Make Mealtime Fun for Kids!

I have a 16 month old grandson who loves to eat. However, he’s not fond of sitting in a highchair and eating his food. Nope, he wants to sit on an adult’s lap and enjoy his meals being spoon fed. For some parents…mealtime is a 

Baby Shower Blue Punch Recipe

Baby Shower Blue Punch Recipe

Today I am sharing DIY instructions with all of you on how to make the baby shower party punch and to give you an idea on how you can serve it. We used a 5 gallon glass beverage dispenser and then added 3 little rubber 

Natural Kid’s Hair Care Products – Fresh Monster

Natural Kid’s Hair Care Products – Fresh Monster

I’m the proud grandmother to a 7 1/2 year old granddaughter and a 16 month old grandson. My grandchildren are the most important things in the world to me. I worry about them all of the time…the things they do, the things they eat and 

Tips to Make Your Child’s Bathtime Fun and Stress-Free

Tips to Make Your Child’s Bathtime Fun and Stress-Free

* Thanks Disney for sending these free products for me to review. All opinions are my own. I’m pretty lucky, both of my grandchildren love getting a bath and both of them have loved getting a bath since day one. I know some parents struggle 

Cute Dreamworks Trolls Goody Hair Accessories for Girls

Cute Dreamworks Trolls Goody Hair Accessories for Girls

How many of you seen the hit animated Dreamworks movie called Trolls? If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It’s a great animated movie that the entire family will enjoy! Children everywhere have fallen in-love with those adorable Trolls and leave it 

Make Bathtime Fun with Playgro Bath Toys

Make Bathtime Fun with Playgro Bath Toys

My grandson is almost 16 months old and it’s really hard to find toys that entertain him and enrich his mind. He’s at that in-between age where he doesn’t want to play with rattles, plastic blocks, teethers, etc. Nope, he wants toys that light-up, make 

Keep Kid’s Warm with Hats from Pebble by Kahiniwalla

Keep Kid’s Warm with Hats from Pebble by Kahiniwalla

Winter is just around the corner and already here in the northeast, the temperatures are dropping and the chill is in the air. It’s important that when our children go outside, that we dress them appropriately to help keep them warm. One of the best ways