3 College Study Tips for Mom Students

3 College Study Tips for Mom Students

A quarter of all undergraduate students in the United States — nearly 5 million students — are raising children. Graduate students are also raising kids. Most of them worry about being loving partners, great parents, valued employees, and successful students and how to pay for 

Debt Consolidation Loan – Learning how it can improve your Financial Situation

Debt Consolidation Loan – Learning how it can improve your Financial Situation

Debt consolidation loans can be helpful for consumers who have numerous debts, are unable to effectively negotiate for lower interest rates, find it difficult to make payments, have accounts that feature high monthly payments or interests or receive frequent letters or calls from collection agencies. 

Car Accidents – Investing in Personal Injury Legal Experience

Car Accidents – Investing in Personal Injury Legal Experience

You may need to consider hiring lawyer if you are involved in a car accident. Good car accident attorneys can assist you with recovering losses that result from a car accident or minimize the large amount of paperwork and hassle that is usually associated with 

On the Road: Getting Your License is a Serious Step Towards Freedom

On the Road: Getting Your License is a Serious Step Towards Freedom

Nothing beats the freedom of having your own license. It’s another step in the direction of independence that permits you to go where you please, when you please. Even if you have no interest in owning a vehicle at the moment, having an illinois driver’s 

5 Fitness Tips Every Teen and Their Parent Should Read

5 Fitness Tips Every Teen and Their Parent Should Read

There’s a lot of good reasons for teens to engage in exercising regularly and stay fit. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that students who are physically active tend to have better grades, that higher physical fitness levels are associated with improved cognitive 

5 Things You’re Doing that are Compromising Your Online Safety

5 Things You’re Doing that are Compromising Your Online Safety

Just like we work to improve our physical health and well-being, it’s also vitally important to improve our cyber health and keep ourselves safe from online danger. Here are five easy fixes to keep yourself cyber safe this year: 1. What You’re Doing: Clicking in 

How to Put Together Your Own First Aid Kit

How to Put Together Your Own First Aid Kit

How many of you have a current and updated first aid kit in your home? I know many people don’t and just rely on whatever they have sitting in their medicine cabinet. In my honest opinion, every home should have a first aid kit and 

5 Tips for Hiring a Wedding Photographer

5 Tips for Hiring a Wedding Photographer

The tables have been set. The invitations have been sent. All that remains now is to hire the perfect event photographer for your wedding, but what if you aren’t sure where to get started? How can you be sure that you’re hiring a legitimate professional