Gardening – Prepping for Spring Planting

I live in a home with a pretty small back yard. While it is sufficient for our needs, I did manage to take away all of my grass and planting areas by putting a pool in 15 years ago or so. Now I do love my pool but I also would love to have more room for flowers, plants and even a few veggies. The only place I have room for that now is by container gardening.

Prepping for Spring Planting

With the unseasonal temps we have been having here in California the past few weeks, spring planting has been more and more on my mind. I am nervous about putting too much out as I figure we can still have a temperature crash and get some frost. But now is the perfect time to start planning and even prepping the soil and pots!

There are so many ideas I have been finding. You can plant a lot of veggies and fruits in containers and have some success at getting the product in the end. I do love my flowers and plants too. I need designer! LOL

Do you plan a garden? I know that Shelly does and she always has a good harvest. What types of plantings do you plan for in the spring? When do you start prepping? Tell us all about your garden!

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  1. JoAnn Brightman says

    it is supposed to snow tomorrow, so I am not thinking about gardens right now. I,have an Aerogarden and
    Indoor containers, but don’t plant herbs or vegetables outdoors.

  2. Tamra Phelps says

    We are living in a rented home now, so any gardening we do will have to be container gardening. I’d love to at least grow some tomatoes this year.

  3. I think container gardening is such a great idea. Even though I have a large yard, I still use containers for certain plants to make sure they get the right light and sun.

  4. We rent a house, so I can’t put in a garden, but I do plant containers on the patio. Mostly herbs, but also some cherry tomatoes and flowers (red ones, for the hummingbirds). Believe it or not, we are in the middle of yet another snowstorm; we’ve already been plowed once today, but it’s still coming down pretty hard, so I’m just going to have to wait until morning to see how bad it is. Right now, spring seems very very far away.

  5. I don’t think I’ll be having any garden this year. The last time I did I had quite a few herbs and that was fun. Too many critters got at everything, but I would love to garden if I had the time and good area to do it.

  6. I grow a few herbs but live in a townhouse that faces north and west with little planting area.

  7. ellen beck says

    I have almost always had a garden be it in containers or in a bed. I have a smaller garden now, and not sure if I am going to allow it to lay fallow this year or not. We have to rerrof and paint the house and not sure I will have the time or energy. Likely I will still plant, I a already itching to be outside more.

  8. Joanne Gregory says

    I am always dabbling in garden plants and flowers. Some years I have a vegetable garden but right now we are traveling so much that I can’t be sure to be home to take care of it. Planned to have a raised bed garden this year but probably won’t happen.

  9. I love to plant flowers each year and I too use containers. I have not tried planting garden plants in containers but I am going to try tomato plants this year because I love garden tomatoes.