Hubby Loves Horseshoe Crabs!

Horseshoe Crabs at the New Jersey ShoreIt is time again for another “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post and today’s photo is one I took of my husband while on vacation last month down at the Jersey Shoe.

Hubby is a real goof ball at times, part of the reason that I love him is because he makes me laugh and he puts up with my moodiness. Okay, back on track here…LOL

He has a REAL fascination with horseshoe crabs. Matter of fact, he donates money to horseshoe crab conservation as many are needlessly killed every year caught in fishermen’s traps. In addition, during the mating season, many males wash up on shore because they are too tired out from mating and get caught in the tides when they are tired. Many get stuck on the beach and die. Poor things!

Every time we see a horseshoe crab out on the beach, hubby is checking them out to see if they are dead or alive. If they are alive, he gets into the water and walks the crab out so that he can be on his way again. Personally, I am way too afraid to touch them!

Well, there you have it! Another “almost” Wordless Wednesday post and I have told you all about my husband’s fetish with horseshoe crabs!



  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I love that your husband actually walks the crab out into the water to save it. I hadn’t know that so many are killed every year.

  2. (Hubby Loves Horseshoe Crabs!) Wow! that is super nice, I am glad I read this over good. I thought after reading the title I thought it was going to say that he liked to eat them!

  3. I’m right there with him! When I was a kid, I found a molted horseshoe crab shell on a family vacation to Cape Cod and managed to get it home intact. My grandfather shellacked it for me, and it was one of my prize possessions for years.

    Now I live on Taunton Bay in Maine, which is the northernmost breeding area for horseshoe crabs. I haven’t seen any here, but I don’t spend as much time at the water’s edge as I wish I did.

    Did you know that scientists harvest the blood of horseshoe crabs and use it in pharmaceutical and medical implant research? There’s actually an industry around catching the crabs, then releasing them again after a part of their blood is extracted. So good for your husband! Not only is his heart in the right place, but he’s doing good for humanity, too.

  4. Sherry Compton says

    Love the photo. I think it’s sweet that he cares so much and helps them out. I didn’t realize this existed, but it’s definitely close to his heart. My daughter doesn’t like to see anything drown…of course, she doesn’t want to personally pick up the spider. She used to just stand guard until someone else would get it out of our pool. Now she is better about getting it out herself.

  5. Denise Taylor-Dennis says

    It nice that your husband is involved with their conservation. Not sure I would want to pick up a crab myself.

  6. I’m afraid if I saw one that was still alive I’d want to take it home for dinner.

  7. I’m with you!! That think looks way too scary for me to ever touch! I’ve never seen one up close and personal myself. But I do commend your hubby for all of his efforts!

  8. I had no idea that so many of these poor crabs get killed each year. That’s cool that you guys are involved in conservation. Thanks for sharing this information and have a great rest of the week.