Designer Inspired Handbags by Jamies Handbags & Accessories

Today I would like to introduce you to the company called Jamies Handbags and Accessories where you will find beautiful designer inspired ladies handbags and wallets. In addition to their designer inspired line of handbags and accessories they also sell leather handbags, rings, bracelets, money clips, business card holders, credit card holders, evening bags and clutches. What I really love about this online store is that their products are beautiful, well-made and totally affordable so that women like you and I can afford them!

When I talk about designer inspired handbags you will find bags that have been inspired by Coach, Burberry, Marc Jacobs, Gucci, Dior, Fendi, Prada and a few other well-known designer brands. I love how easy it is to navigate through this store and I love the wide variety of designs that they carry.

My Review: Jamie sent me the gorgeous Coach Inspired Fashion Signature Handbag for my product review and I received the handbag in a chocolate brown color. This beautiful bag sells for $59.00 which is a fabulous price! The bag measures approximately 15.5L x 11H x 4.75W in size. The bag is done in a signature all-over print (tone on tone) and has 2 nice sized carrying handles so you can wear it over your shoulder or carry it like a satchel. The bottom of the bag is flat so that it will stand upright when placed on a chair or table. The outside of the bag in the corners area you will find silvertone metal studs which add some color & interest to the bag. On the outside back of the bag you will find a large zippered pocket which is great for keys, tickets, passports, ID badges, etc.

The bag opens via a large faux buckle and under the buckle is a strong magnetic snap closure. The hardware on this buckle is gorgeous! Once you open the bag the inside has 3 super large compartments. The first compartment has a magnetic snap closure, the second compartment (the middle one) has a zipper closure and inside that compartment is a cell phone holder, another pocket and then a smaller zipper closure privacy pocket and then the third compartment is another magnetic snap closure compartment. These are large deep & roomy compartments! The entire bag is lined in a signature chocolate brown lining. I love the shape & style of this bag!

Jamie also sent me the ladies Coach Inspired Fashion Wallet to match my bag which retails for $24.50. This wallet measures approximately 7.5 x 4″ in size. I love the buckle detail on the front of the wallet and it opens via a strong magnetic snap closure. Inside you will find 16 credit card slots, 1 photo ID slot, 3 paper bill/receipt slots and a zipper closure coin purse. The back outside of the wallet also has a zipper closure coin purse so you could put coins in one and tokens in the other. I love the sleek slim design of this wallet!!! It is a fabulous organizing wallet…love it!

Overall Impression: I am absolutely IN LOVE with my new handbag and wallet! Both pieces are extremely well-made, functional and beautiful! They are impeccably designed with absolutely NO flaws at all. For the price…you can not go wrong with both of these items! I give them 10 out of 10 stars!

Disclaimer: Shelly has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Two Classy Chics is not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from this blog. We are not responsible for injury or mis-use of any products won from the Two Classy Chics Blog. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. Thanks!