Mailbox Monday for June 3rd

Every Monday, we love to share some of the neat things we got the previous week in our mailbox and we encourage all of you to tell us about the special things you got too! These special things can be gifts you received, special greeting cards or giveaways you won on the web! What about all of the freebies that showed up? Wootwoot! Let’s all celebrate the special things we got in our mailboxes last week!

Shelly – Last week was a slow mailbox week for me. I got a few more get well cards & thinking of you cards in the mail. I also got a CD coffee travel mug, a free sample of coffee and a Crayola collector’s box of 8 crayons which are a limited edition. Hubby took off with the travel coffee mug, my mother took off with the coffee sample and Princess Gia got the Crayola crayons. I guess I get to keep all my cards! LOL I seriously need to start hiding some of my mailbox goodies so that the family doesn’t snag them from me! Geesh!

So…what all did you get in your mailbox last week besides bills? Get any giveaway winnings or freebies? We would love to hear about it! It’s your time to brag, boast and shine! Yay!


  1. Amanda Gilds says

    I got a book from a Good Read’s giveaway…and bills. Sigh.

  2. I received the Ora MD Toothpaste and the Hip Hop Bling Bracelet prizes. Thanks again!

  3. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I received a lot of samples and smaller items such as a Bic Soleil razor, Gain Scent booster, Cartier Fragrance, Scents trash bag, Lipton tea bags, Nature Made Vitamelt, Garnier Ultra lift sample and Olay Fresh Effects sample. I did receive my Sesame Gifts package to help me relax.

  4. I got the new iPad Mini that I won from Mrs. T’s Pirogues. Have yet to sit down & learn to use it since I’ve never had a pad before. And three lavender plants from Thyme for Herbs. And a $100 Visa from Blogher. A very good week. Thanks to all the companies that sponsor giveaways and to the blogs that host them.