6 Tips for Purchasing Lawn Mowers

6 Tips for Purchasing Lawn MowersAs a new home owner, I am learning all kinds of new things about taking care of our yard and property. One of the things I have recently been educating myself about is lawn equipment and what kind of commercial zero turn mowers to purchase.

We have a very large property and we need a high-quality lawn mower to get the job done! Some of our property is flat and on other areas of our property we have to deal with hills. Last year we invested in a cheap mower and well, it didn’t work out well at all! This year, we are looking to purchase one that will be perfect for our individual needs.

Today, I thought I would share with all of you a few tips on how to purchase a lawn mower.

1. You need to decide if you need a push mower, riding mower or both? In our case, we need both! If you have just a small flat yard to mow, then a push one would do the job nicely. If you have a large yard, investing in a riding one would make great sense!

2. Decide if you want one that features a rotary cutting blade or a reel cutting blade. A rotary blade is a circular blade and a reel blade cuts the grass with a spinning blade passing over a fixed blade. You can find information online that explains the pro’s and con’s to both types.

3. Do you want a mower that is gas powered or electric powered? In our case, we decided to get a gas powered one due to the large size of our property. If you have a smaller yard, electric would be the way to go since gas costs a lot more than electric.

4. If you decide to go with a push one, you need to think about the weight of the mower. Is it light-enough for you to push? Is it easy enough for you to maneuver around bushes and shrubbery?

5. Does the mower you are considering come with a warranty? If so, for how long and what does that warranty cover? Do you feel that it’s sufficient?

6. Ask your friends, family and co-workers about the kind of lawn mowers that they use. Ask them what they like and don’t like about the one that they are using.

Shopping for the perfect lawn mower isn’t a hard task…however, you do need to educate yourself a little bit about them before you decide to purchase one. We hope these 6 tips will help you purchase the perfect one for your individual needs. Happy Shopping!

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