Thinking About Cosmetic Surgery or Enhancement Procedures

I think for many women, most of us can say there is one thing or another that we do not care for on our body. No one is built perfectly and if we were, we would probably all look the same. That would definitely be boring. But I was thinking the other day that while many women may not like something about their body, would they actually do something about it?

I know a lot of women that have used cosmetic procedures by a dermatologist to fix problems having to do with their body. Personally, I have always thought about getting a lift and tuck on many parts of my body. As my age catches up with me, there are more and more places on my body that could use a hand up. I would not really be a candidate for a breast augmentation; quite the opposite. I would love to get a reduction and some lift. You never realize how much having kids takes it out of your body, huh? And as I loose more and more weight, I am getting saggier. Yuck!

Another procedure that I have thought about was a mini face lift or some kind of wrinkle filler similar to Botox. I know they are coming out with more and more products that target specific needs like heavy, loose facial skin or deep wrinkles, but to be honest, I am chicken of the injections!

One thing I struggle with is the fact that surgery like these could be considered vanity as there is really nothing wrong with me physically. You know what I mean? I know that one argument is that if you are comfortable with the skin you are in you will feel better about yourself and your self esteem will rise, giving you an overall beauty – inside and out. The other side of the argument is that this is how you are supposed to look and messing with what was given to you is not right.

But then I look at women that have had cosmetic procedures done and they are thrilled with the results. They look better and feel great about themselves. I would like to be that way too someday.

So what would you do? How do you feel about procedures like these? Are they something you would do to look and feel better overall?


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I would not like to risk cosmetic surgery but I could use wrinkle fillers or some sort of lift for sagging skin.

  2. I would be too afraid to get any kind of cosmetic surgery. Any kind of surgery comes with potential risks. If it was as easy as snapping your fingers, I would, but it’s not that simple.

  3. Darlene Demell says

    For me personally, I could use a tummy tuck and hip reduction I guess but hey, I am getting older and don’t need to impress anyone but myself and my hubby. I will stay the way I was meant to be and be happy with how I look. At least when I get “old” lol I won’t have to worry about my tummy tuck having to get done again or something else. Its all going to be just me.