Lee National Denim Day Campaign Starts on October 1st

Today I would like to talk to all of our blog readers about the nasty topic called “Breast Cancer”. This horrible disease has been a big part of my family’s history. I have lost my maternal grandmother, paternal grandmother, 2 aunts, 2 great aunts and a cousin to breast cancer. With all of that sorrow and grief, I am happy to report that my 67 year old mother is a breast cancer survivor.

It is very important that you do manual breast exams on yourself each and every month! It is equally important to get a once a year “breast health” checkup by your doctor and if you meet the guidelines, get a mammogram regularly.

Here is some information about the Lee National Denim Day Campaign.

Lee is gearing up for Lee National Denim Day – as you know, it is a movement that encourages people to go casual for a cause during the month of October. You can join the Denim Day movement any day of the month by wearing your jeans and donating $5 to the American Cancer Society to help those living with breast cancer.

Lee National Denim Day is proud to partner with the American Cancer Society for the first time this year! All donations will help the American Cancer Society support life-saving screenings in communities nationwide, bring hope and care to those traveling for cancer treatment and invest in groundbreaking cancer research. It is estimated that 229,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year alone.

We’re inviting you to help decrease this number by doing three things:

1. Dedicate a post to Lee National Denim Day.

2. Encourage your readers to become a Lee National Denim Day ambassador. Lee Jeans is looking for dedicated participants to help raise awareness about the campaign. “Have you, or someone you know, been affected by breast cancer? If you’re interested in becoming an Ambassador, tell us your story, here.”

3. Register a non-corporate or corporate team at DenimDay.com (this can consist of family, friends, neighbors, etc.) However you choose to fundraise is completely up to you!

Please listen to this video from LNDD’s Ambassador, Debbie Howe:

I hope that our blog readers will consider participating in this very worthy cause! I will be making a few more blog posts in the coming weeks sharing my family’s story with all of you. In addition, I will share additional information with you about the Lee National Denim Day. We hope you will participate!

Disclaimer: I will be participating in Lees National Denim Day Campaign by sharing breast cancer stories and campaign information here on the Two Classy Chics Blog with all of our readers.


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I am glad that Lee is supporting this cause. I hope Debbie continues to do well.

  2. Sarah Osborne says

    This is great! My Grandma had breast cancer and I always love hearing about new ways to support advancements for the cure.