Looking for something fun and educational to do with the kids? If so, head on over to your local Bass Pro Shops! Throughout the year they host a variety of free and low-cost events and activities for the kids to enjoy. You’ll typically find them listed on their website or call your local store to inquire about them.
We like to take our grandchildren when they’re hosting their FREE photos with the Easter Bunny or FREE photos with Santa, but we take them to other events throughout the year too.
Every time we go we take along a little notebook and our camera. The kids will take photos of all of the animals that they see throughout the store. They write down their names in the notebook and once we return home they look up information on each animal that they saw. This is a great learning experience for them!
Our local Bass Pro Shops is part of a very large shopping mall here in our area. We make an “afternoon” of it. Once we’re done visiting the store we venture into the mall to pick up lunch with the kids. They look forward to these visits every time that we go!
How many of you enjoy visiting your local Bass Pro Shops? My grandson goes CRAZY every time he sees their fish tank. He could stand there all day long if we allowed him! I can see him owning a large fish tank once he gets older.
I have never been to a Bass Pro Shop. I think that I, my children and grandchildren would enjoy this excursion.
We have been by these but have never had the time to stop. I know they have plenty of activities though. It looks like a fun place to really explore.
Our closest is about 2 1/2 hours away. From time to time we pass it and I’m always tempted. Looks like fun.
I sure wish we had one of these in our area they look like a lot of fun for the entire family. I had no idea that they did so many great events thanks for sharing.
We went to one with our family last fall and it was a lot of fun. We only had an hour but would have stayed longer if we could have.
We love taking the kids to Bass Pro. they have great thinks to do and look at. I hope others take their kids there too.
The one I know about is about an hour away. I went there once and rode on the ferris wheel inside the store.
We live not too far from one of these, in the Cincinnati area, and they are like an amusement park. Going there is a fun day.