Benji & the Giant Kite Children’s Book by Alan C. Fox

An inspiring picture book about ambition, perseverance, and kite-flying.

Benji & the Giant Kite Children's Book

* Complimentary Children’s Book Received for Review.

Have you ever wanted one thing – just one thing – more than anything else in the world? A new bike? The newest video game? Tickets to see your favorite sports team? Did you imagine that this one possession would make you incredibly happy – forever? For Benji that one thing is an enormous organ kite. In Benji & the Giant Kite, available August 1, 2018, bestselling author Alan C. Fox tells the enchanting story of a young boy who learns that possessing something is not quite as meaningful as letting it go.

Benji loved purple skies, sunset skies, cloudy skies, blue skies, and kite skies. Especially kite skies. He loves all kinds of kites – big or small, plain or fancy, rectangular or diamond-shaped. He loves to fly them at the beach, but they don’t always seem to cooperate the way he wants them too. One day Benji sees a giant orange kite at the toy store. He wants it more than anything else – ever. But Mom explains that he will have to earn the money to buy the kite. So that is exactly what Benji does. He works very hard to earn the money to afford the giant orange kite. What happens next? You’ll just have to read the story to find out.

About the Author: Alan C. Fox is the bestselling author of three books for adults, People Tools, People Tools for Business, and People Tools for Love and Relationships. His two children’s books are Benji and the 24 Pound Banana Squash and Benji and the Giant Kite. An entrepreneur, philanthropist, and relationships expert, Alan is also the publisher of the poetry magazine, Rattle. He founded a charity that works to maximize the potential of youth as well as an organization that encourages young people to become active in helping others. Alan lives in Los Angeles, California. To learn more, visit Alan’s website:

Benji & the Giant Kite Children's Book by Alan C. Fox

Sara’s Thoughts: As a past librarian and teacher, I think Benji & the Giant Kite is a great title to include into your library. Not only is it a quick, simple story, but it also teaches a lesson…you appreciate more when you work for it. More than anything, Benji wanted a giant orange kite, but he already spent his allowance and wasn’t able to afford it. But with perseverance, Benji worked hard to earn the money in order to buy the kite, which made him the happiest little boy. As a teacher, it would be simple to plan an entire lesson around this one story, and as a librarian, you could use this book in your preschool story time to show how important it is to work hard for the things you want.

This is even a great title for parents. Teach your children young to work hard for what they want…to never give up and always reach for the stars. Not only is it a fun book to read with your child, but the pictures are beautiful and eye catching. This is the perfect bedtime story for your little one…or just to read on a lazy Sunday. If you are a children’s book lover like me, then I highly recommend adding this to your library. It will be available to purchase August 1st and can be pre-ordered on amazon.

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Giveaway: One lucky winner is going to win the Benji & the Giant Kite Children’s Book. Good luck!

Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to residents of the US ONLY age 18 and over. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering. This giveaway will close on July 26th, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST time. No purchase necessary to enter or win.

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Disclaimer: Sara M. has personally reviewed the product listed above. Sara has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Sara did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Two Classy Chics is not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from this blog. We are not responsible for injury or mis-use of any products won from the Two Classy Chics Blog. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways.


  1. follow you on bloglovin: gracefulcoffee

  2. I learned Alan is a NYT bestselling author! Also, he loves writing children’s books.

  3. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I follow TCC on BlogLovin as Jo-Ann Brightman

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I follow TCC on Instagram as jopb490

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I repinned your Homemade Laundry detergent powder to my DIY board as jopb.

  6. Jana Leah says

    I re-pinned Healthy Roasted Red Pepper Chicken Sausage and Potato Casserole.

  7. Jana Leah says

    Following Two Classy Chics blog on BlogLovin via user Jana Leah.

  8. Jana Leah says

    Following Two Classy Chics on Instagram via user janaleah64.

  9. Jana Leah says

    I learned that the author is the founding editor of Rattle. He also created The Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation.

  10. I learned that Alan has six children and two step-children and is the grandfather of eight. With this in mind, Alan turned his attention to writing books for children. The first, Benji & the 24-Pound Banana Squash, which was published in 2017, has been translated into Italian, Turkish, and Chinese. Benji & the Giant Kite will be published in August 2018. Alan’s children’s books are published Clavis Books, an international publisher based in Belguim.

  11. Judy Lipcsak says

    I visited Alan C. Cox’s website. I learned that he has several beautifully illustrated children’s books and a series of books about People Tools.

  12. Colleen Maurina says

    I follow you on Bloglovin – colleenmaurina

  13. Colleen Maurina says

    I learned that Alan Fox has 6 children, 2 step-children and 8 grandchildren. He also writes a weekly blog that focuses on his experiences in all facets of life.

  14. I follow on Bloglovin.

  15. When he was a kid his brother and him loved to fly kites at the beach. It took him weeks to save up money for one.

  16. susan hartman says

    I follow on bloglovin.

  17. susan hartman says

    This is not Alan Fox’s first Benji book. He also wrote about Benji and a 24 lb banana squash!

  18. Mia Rose says

    I re-pinned the Pistachio Salad recipe.

  19. Peggy Nunn says

    I repined the image Classic American Picnic Foods

  20. Peggy Nunn says

    I signed up for Bloglovin with Crafty Nunn

  21. Peggy Nunn says

    I followed you on Instagram with @frogslop

  22. Peggy Nunn says

    I found out that his is the founding editor of Rattle, one of the country’s preeminent poetry journals. He also created The Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation, named after his mother, to provide funding to maximize the potential of youth.

  23. KENNETH a OHL says

    I learned the book is for children ages 4 and up perfect for my little niece

  24. I learned that he also wrote a book called BENJI & THE 24 POUND BANANA SQUASH. Fun title! That sounds like a fun one to read too.

  25. Anne Perry says

    I Follow the Two Classy Chics blog on BlogLovin. aperry23

  26. Anne Perry says

    I Follow TwoClassyChics over on Instagram. Perryannee

  27. Anne Perry says

    I learned that this book is for ages 4 and up. It teaches about kite flying and ambition.

  28. I went to the author’s site and I learned that he has several wonderful childrens books out. I also learned that he is a philanthropist.

  29. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I also like the book Benji and the 24 pound summer squash

  30. Mia Rose says

    I follow TwoClassyChics on BlogLovin.

  31. Mia Rose says

    I follow TwoClassyChics on Instagram (murphminaville).

  32. Mia Rose says

    I learned that the author of the book Alan C. Fox writes a weekly blog that focuses on his life experiences. I read his “Make it Easy on Me” and found it interesting.