Mailbox Monday for June 2018

Mailbox MondayTime for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for June! The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog.

The Mailbox Monday Meme is about celebrating all of those fun things we get in our mailbox every month! These items can be giveaways/contest prizes that you won, freebie samples you snagged from the internet, gifts you received from loved ones, etc. What doesn’t it include? Yucky bills and nasty spam mail. Nope, NONE!

Goodies from May

Last month was a slow month for us since I was recovering from major knee replacement surgery. However, we did rake in 2 giveaway wins thanks to my husband. He won a leather belt from a Pinterest promotion and then he won a girl’s spa-date at-home package for me! I received bubble bath, perfume, hair conditioner mousse, lip gloss, mascara, a bath sponge, nail polish and a few other things that I’ve been using.

So, ladies and gentlemen…what kind of fun things did you received in your mailbox last month? Now is your time to brag all about it!!!

Shelly's Signature


  1. Peggy Nunn says

    I received a recipe book from your site. I received some shampoo samples and a coupon for BOGO SlimFast.

  2. I got some e-cloths and a $50 Amazon GC. Overall a slow month.

  3. ellen beck says

    I had a very good week, or at least compared to some weeks. I go a cookbook in the mail and 2 pairs of socks from a very nice blogger whom I have to thank and email yet. Besides that it ha been quite slow. I am not entering as many contests, a lot of hours outside right now. Your husband’s wins are both very nice. Hope youre on he mend!

  4. Hi Shelley, hope you are feeling much better! I received some clothing that I ordered last week. I also received a makeup giveaway that I love. Finally, I received a medical bill for some surgery I had; darn it.

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I won a $50 Fandango e-gift card and a Classico Mozart bear for my granddaughter. I also received free samples of lotion and shampoo.