Bird Bath to Patio Table with DIY Project

Bird Bath to Patio Table with DIY ProjectA few weeks ago Chris started a new feature here on the TwoClassyChics blog called Fun Frugal Finds. Well today, I get to share with all of you one of my frugal finds and some DIY instructions on how I completely upgraded an old cement bird bath.

Several weeks ago my hubby and I were down at the flea market and I came across an old 2-piece cement outdoor bird bath. It wasn’t looking beautiful any more but the sellers only wanted $10.00 for it. I quickly snagged it up and brought it home.

I didn’t like the color of it at all and it had a few scratches and some peeling. The first thing you want to do is thoroughly clean it. I did this by using a garden hose, scrub brush and some household bleach. Let it completely dry before you do the next steps.

At my local home improvement store (Lowe’s) I bought 1 tube of caulking and 2 cans of outdoor spray paint that had a granite finish & texture to it. The caulking was $5.00 and the spray paint was $10.00 per can. Total spent $25.00.

I had sand paper already on hand and lightly sanded off some of the areas that had crusty things on them. I then wiped it down with a damp cloth to remove all debris. I used the caulking to fix the fine line scratches & cracks. Left it dry and then lightly sanded again so I had a smooth surface. Wipe with damp cloth again to remove any debris.

A few days later we had a hot & sunny day so I decided to paint it. Shake up the spray paint cans thoroughly before using. In addition, ONLY do this outside in a well-ventilated area. Stand back from your bird bath and lightly spray each piece until coated. If the paint runs or forms drip marks…you are standing too close & putting it on too heavy.

Let the first coat dry and then apply a second coat; let dry again. Flip your two pieces over and repeat the painting process. Let dry for a full 24 hours.

new bird bath patio table

We decided to use ours as a patio table. It has a flat bottom to the bowl portion. When we are not using it as a table…I have a large glass jar sitting on it that is filled with beach treasures that I’ve collected over the years. You could also put a flower planter or anything else that you would like. If you want to spend some additional money, have a glass cutter cut you a glass top for it.

I’ve paired it up with 2 white Bistro Patio chairs that I also snagged at a Flea Market and I did a re-do on those too! I will save that for another post in the next few weeks.

A new comparable bird bath of this quality and size would of cost me around $90 to $100. The total amount spent on this project re-do was $10 for the bird bath and $25 for paint & caulking. Total cost $35.00. I think it turned out fabulous!!!



  1. Carissa Joslyn says

    This is neat! I love finding old items and reclaiming them into something amazing, giving them new life! I haven’t found anything awesome possum lately, though!

  2. ellen beck says

    Thats pretty nifty! At yard sales around here if they are getting rid of one they will almost give it away they are so heavy. I always like seeing things repuposed thats nice!

  3. It looks like a marble or granite birdbath now thanks to that easy-to-use textured spray paint. Right now I have a gorgeous hanging basket sitting on the table with lush dark purple flowers in it. I just ordered a piece of glass and going to add a glass top to it and underneath the glass I am going to put sand and seashells to go along with my theme.

  4. Well done! I think it’s great that you could see the potential in the yard-sale bird bath. I wish I were that clever.

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I agree that you did a fabulous job and I like how you repurposed it to use as a patio table.

  6. I think it looks fabulous too. What a great idea and follow through with the project. Love how you reused and made something both lovely and useful.

  7. I’ve used the granite spray on some pedestals (years ago) and they turned out great too.

  8. You had a vision of how it should be and worked to accomplish it. Bravo!

  9. Joanne Gregory says

    Very nice! And when you find something like this and spend the time to make it beautiful, it is so much more significant than just buying it already done!

  10. Wow I had no idea that you could make something like this for such a low price thank you for sharing this one. This would be perfect for our flower garden area.

  11. Too Cute! I love how that came out!