How to Freeze Cauliflower
Last week our local Farmer’s Market was running a great sale on large cauliflower heads. Typically they cost $3.99 to $5.99 per head. We were able to purchase large heads for $1.50 each! What a deal. I brought them home and got busy preparing them for our freezer.
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The first thing you should do is wash the cauliflower head. Remove any debris, leaves, etc. Use a paring knife to remove any bad spots on the florets. Fill up a large bowl with warm water and a 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Place the head into the salted water to soak for 15 minutes. Remove and rinse with clean water.
Fill up a large pot with water. Place on the stove-top over medium-high heat.
Place the cauliflower head on a cutting board to cut it down into smaller pieces. I remove all of the tough stem/stalks and separate the florets into smaller sizes.
Once the water comes to a boil toss in the cauliflower pieces. Boil for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove from the burner. Pour pieces into a colander sitting in your (clean) kitchen sink with cold tap water running over it. You need to quickly cool them down to stop the cooking process. Once cool, turn off the water and let the excess water drain away (drip dry).
Place the blanched pieces into freezer bags. Purge out the air and zip close. Label and date the bags. Frozen properly the cauliflower should be good for up to 1 full year.
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