Bargain Deals on Chicken and Italian Sausage

My wife wasn’t feeling well last week so I was in-charge of grocery shopping and menu planning for the next 2 weeks. While I don’t get to do these “chores” too often, I was looking forward to it. I sat down and made my list of meals that I wanted to prepare along with ingredients that were needed. I added onto my list a few of the day-to-day items that we were out of and headed to the grocery store.

I was doing really good at sticking to only the items on my shopping list until I hit the meat and poultry department. On the day that I was there they were having a manager’s sale on chicken with deep discounts! Whole fryers, drumsticks, breasts, boneless skinless chicken breasts, wings, etc. We eat a lot of chicken, so I decided to stock up.

Bargain Deals on Chicken and Italian Sausage

I tossed 2 packs of drumsticks, 2 packs of wings and 3 packs of boneless skinless chicken breasts into the shopping cart. All were deeply discounted from 30 to 65% off regular prices. Meat is so expensive and I couldn’t pass up these bargain prices! Time to fill up that freezer!  A little further down I found Italian Sausage for 1/2 price and tossed in 2 packs of sausage too!

Well, I realized something BEFORE I got to the checkout line. I needed to go buy some freezer bags so that once I got home we could sort everything and get them all into the freezer. Normally, I forget about the “little things” and would of needed to make a return trip to get them. Not this time! I tossed 2 boxes of freezer bags into the cart and headed to the checkout line.

Bargain Deals on Chicken and Italian Sausage

After everything got rung up and bagged…guess what? I got another 5-10% off those discounted meat and poultry prices just for using my grocery store club card. Yay me! Another way to save! 

Once I got home I was so proud of the amount of money I saved and couldn’t wait to show my wife how well I did at the grocery store. She said that since I did a magnficient job that I can go ahead and take over that weekly chore. Okay, I was proud but no…I don’t want to have to do grocery shopping on regular basis. 

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