Where to Buy Replacement Wire Racks for Water Bath Canners
I’ve been a home canner for the past 30 years. I’ve canned vegetables, fruits, soups, stews, sauces, condiments, meats, fish, juices, desserts and all sorts of things over the years. My water bath canner and steam pressure canners get a workout every canning season. With that said, there are times you’ll need to upgrade or replacement some of your canning tools along the way.
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For the past 10 years I’ve posted 50+ home canning recipes on the TCC blog. Readers will often ask me recipe questions or questions about the equipment and tools that you need. One question that I’m frequently asked is… Where can I buy a replacement wire rack for my water bath canner? Well, I’m going to tell you. I like to buy my replacements from Amazon.
Amazon carries the replacements in various different sizes. I do recommend that you purchase one made from stainless steel to help prevent rusting. I also like the ones with the longer handles to help you better lift it out of the steaming hot water. Some replacement racks are made better than others, so do your research and read the reviews.
You can turn just about any large stock pot into a water bath canner. To do so…you’ll need to purchase a Wire Rack that fits down inside it. Measure the circumference of the pot and select a rack that is slightly smaller in size. You’ll need a good fitting lid to that stockpot too!
To prevent rusting…I like to add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar to the water inside my canner before I start a canning session. After I’m completely done canning for the day….always wash out the pot with warm, soapy water. Rinse the rack and lid too. Instead of letting them air dry….use a clean cotton towel and dry them!!! Don’t store your supplies in a damp environment like the basement.
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