Hershey’s Kiss Hand Painted Clam Shells Seashell Designs

The past 2 1/2 years I’ve been hand-painting seashells as part of the pay-it-forward kindness seashells project. I belong to 3 groups who generously paint and decorate seashells and/or smooth river rocks. Once painted and decorated we leave them everywhere we go for others to find. You can find 100+ painted seashells and rock designs right here on the Two Classy Chics blog. It’s a fun hobby that allows you to be creative!

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We live right outside of Hershey, Pennsylvania so I decided to do a dozen painted seashells with a Hershey’s Kiss design. I thought they would be fun for tourists to find…a little souvenir to take back home with them. This design is easy to make and you can make a dozen in just one weekend.

Hershey's Kiss Hand Painted Clam Shells Seashell Designs

Supplies Needed:

3″ to 4″ wide Clam Shells
White Acrylic Craft Paint
Bronze Metallic Craft Paint
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
BETEM Acrylic Paint Markers (see note below)
Clear Mod Podge Sealer, Glossy Finish
Foam Brush

Note: I recommend using the BETEM Acrylic Paint Markers. They’re not kiddie markers, they contain acrylic craft paint. They have dual-ended tips (one medium and one fine) and come in beautiful colors. They don’t require priming, don’t drip or splatter, don’t get clogged and have no foul paint odors. Plus, they’re affordable!

Wash all seashells in warm, soapy water using Dawn Liquid Dish Soap. Dawn is fantastic at removing sand, debris and fishy odors. Rinse with clean water. Air dry overnight.

Base coat each seashell with 2 coats of white acrylic craft paint allowing for 40 minutes of drying time between coats.

Use a pencil to lightly sketch on the Hershey’s Kiss shape and the wording. Use the dark brown Betem Acrylic Paint Marker to do all of the wording. Use the silver metallic Betem Acrylic Paint Marker to make the Hershey’s Kiss. I outlined a few of the shells using bronze metallic acrylic craft paint with a paint brush. I thought it finished off the outer edge on some of the shells nicely. Let them dry for 2-3 hours or until all of the paint is dry.

Seal the painted design by brushing on 1-2 light coats of Clear Mod Podge Sealer. I like using one with a glossy finish, but you can certainly use a matte finish if you prefer that. Let the seashells dry for several hours.

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