Easy to Digest Whiskas CatMilk for Cats

Whiskas CatMilk How many of you have tried the Whiskas CatMilk? We recently tried it with a younger cat that we’re currently fostering. The Whiskas CatMilk is a snack drink for cats and weaned kittens. It’s NOT a cat milk replacement…just a snack for your kitty. It’s easy to digest and 98% lactose reduced. We purchased a 12-pack with each little carton containing 6.75 fl. oz.

* Product personally purchased by the writer. This post contains affiliate links.

The reason we purchased it was because the 6 month old kitten that we’re fostering is an extremly picky eater and needed something in between his regular mealtime. He’s a little bit underweight and is lactose intolerant so we don’t give him any dairy products per our vet instructions. We tried several other “inbetween meals” snacks, treats, supplements, etc. and he hated them all…until we gave him the Whiskas CatMilk.

Whiskas CatMilk

When he sees me picking up the carton I can’t get it open fast enough and poured into the dish for him. He lets me know I’m not going fast enough by meowing his head off! I give him 1/2 of the small carton at a time…so one full carton twice a day. It’s working out well. He likes it and now has been maintaining his weight. Some cats are like kids…picky eaters.

Our 4 year old Romeo (a cat that we rescued and adopted almost 4 years ago) hates the Whiskas CatMilk  but the kitty we’re fostering loves it. Just goes to show you that all of them have different likes and dislikes, so sometimes you have to try out different products to find the ones that they like.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Disclosure: The product was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her unbiased and personal opinion with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. Please read the full disclosure policy located on the homepage for additional information.

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