A Family Outing to Visit with Santa – Family Traditions
Every year when the Christmas holiday rolls around we try to get out to visit with Santa Claus. Yes, we’re adults but we still enjoy getting our photograph taken with Santa! Along with our photograph we like to get one with each of our grandchildren visiting with him too!
During these outings we drop off our donated toys and games for various local charities who are collecting them to distribute to families in-need. We like to stop by two local food pantrys and drop off food donations too. With the economy this year…there’s a lot more people who need help during the holiday season. If you can, please do your part by paying it forward.
If your an animal lover…don’t forget about the local animal rescue groups who need some help too! Call them up and see what they need! Even if you can only do a little bit…every little bit helps!
To round off the day…the family goes out to dinner together. This is something we’ve been doing as a family for the past 25 years and it’s become a tradition. It teaches children the importance of giving back to the community while strengthening our family bonds.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!