Preview Sunday Week of November 24th

Pumpkin Fall Autumn SeasonToday is Sunday November 24th, 2024. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see!

Indoor & Outdoor Slipper Socks
DVDs for Movie Night
Seasonal Craft Project Ideas
Delicious & Easy to Make Recipes
Weekly Travel Feature
Helpful Articles & Tips
Laundry & Cleaning Tips
Bioengineered Food Ingredients
Stuff for Pets
Stocking Stuffers
+ More

When you see people litter…do you speak up about it or keep walking by? We live in a neighborhood and I’m tired of finding trash in my front yard. Fast food bags, cups, bottles, cans, cigarette butts, doggie waste, etc. I mean really…tired of it! I have to put gloves on every 2-3 days to go out and clean it up. People toss it while driving by, while walking their dogs or kids, etc. Lazy people! My husband is making 2 yard signs and I’m putting them into our front yard telling people to stop littering and to pick up their darn trash!