Painted Santa Claus Clam Shells Seashells for Christmas Gift-Giving

Painted Santa Claus Clam Shells Seashells for Christmas Gift-GivingThese adorable hand-painted Santa Claus seashells are super easy to make! You don’t need any artistic talent to make them. In one weekend I was able to make 10 of them to give out as holiday gifts this year. You only need a few basic art supplies to make them. Let’s get started.

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Clam Shells Seashells
White, Metallic Green, Flesh-Tone and Metallic Red Acrylic Craft Paint
Paint Brush, Paper Towels, Water Dish
Acrylic Paint Pen Markers (Black, Blue, White, Green)
Pearl Metallic Paint
Mod Podge Clear Sealer in Glossy Finish
Foam Brush

Base coat all clam shells with 2 coats of white acrylic craft paint. Allow for 30 minutes of drying time between coats.

Using flesh-tone colored paint make the face using a paint brush. Refer to the photo, it’s a simple shape and doesn’t have to be exact. Next….add the hat. I used green and red metallic craft paint (2 coats of paint for each color). Let dry.

Dip your paint brush into the Pearl metallic paint. Pounce the color along the edge of the hat to form a “fluffy” brim…to kind of make it look fluffy and furry. At the “painted” pom-pom at the top of the hat with the same pearl metallic paint. This type of paint takes a little longer to dry.

The rest of the design work was done using BETEM Acrylic Paint Pen Markers. They’re fabulous! They’re dual tip meaning a medium tip on one end with a fine tip on the other end. No priming, no dripping, no leaking and no foul paint odors! Use the Paint Pen Markers to do all of the facial features as shown in the photograph. Let dry for 1-2 hours.

Use a foam brush dipped into Clear Mod Podge Sealer to seal the seashell. I like to brush on 2 coats of Mod Podge with 30 minutes of drying time between each coat. Once dry, flip it over and seal the unpainted side. Let dry for several hours to let everything “cure”.

Note: If you want to add wordage or a message you can do that on the unpainted side of the clam shell.

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