Having Fun at a Bonfire on the Beach
We love visiting the beach and get down to North Wildwood in New Jersey 6-8 times every year. We’re looking to move there in late 2025 after retirement. It’s one of the nicest beaches at the Jersey Shore…a totally different vibe than Wildwood. More laid back and relaxed.
Throughout the year they host various festivities right on the beach. We enjoy going over when they have Bonefires which is really nice. They set up this big wooden teepee looking thing right on the beach. They keep a metal fencing around it to keep visitors away. Let’s face it, we all want to be safe!
The one evening when we were down they had a bonefire on the beach. This one was in the fall season, so most tourists were already gone for the season. We don’t like going over (during the in-season) when hundreds of tourists are there. This one had about 100 people. It was really nice and we enjoyed ourselves while we were there.
If you’re going to be visiting North Wildwood you’ll want to check out their website for the schedule of upcoming events. Throughout the year they host festivals, parades, craft shows, bonefires, free concerts on the beach and so forth. There’s always something fun to do in North Wildwood!